September 2007

[The Drive of Life] Episode 28 -Myolie’s Birthday

Raymond told Charmaine that he didn’t really understand why Myolie got so angry at him after he gave away the soup she made for him to the other guy they worked with and Charmaine tells him that its because Myolie has a crush on him. Raymond didn’t believe her but Charmaine assured him that her […]

Hi Everyone! Hope you’re all well and happy =) I feel bad for not updating as frequent/daily as I used to! I’m quite happy to see the tagboard still so active though^^ Even I feel guilty with the lack of updates; or coming back and seeing the same ‘Phoenix Rising” Final episode post. Something just […]


July 2007

New Series: [The Drive of Life]

Episodes: 60 Cast (from TVB): Damien Lau, Michael Miu, Jessica Hsuan, Joe Ma, Raymond Lam, Charmaine Sheh, Sheren Tang, Myolie Wu, Ron Ng, Toby Leung… Synopsis: Years of Upheaval Lingering Love and Hate A story about the integrated Chinese family of Glamour and Decadence Wah Man-Hon (Damien Lau), Wah Man-Hung (Liao Jing Sheng) and Wah […]