April 2014

[Beauty at War] Overall Thoughts

Note: I completed this series when in aired back in May 2013 but I never got around to posting up my write-ups which I happen to dig back up! I really gotta get these posted more timely >_< *sigh* Better late than never I hope? Hope you enjoy! 🙂 *contains spoilers* [Beauty at War] was […]


May 2013

[New Series]: Beauty at War

English Title: Beauty at War Grand Production Cantonese Title: 金枝慾孽貳 (gam ji yuk yip yi) Cast: Sheren Tang 鄧萃雯, Ada Choi 蔡少芬, Christine Ng 伍詠薇, Moses Chan 陳豪, Eddie Kwan Lai Kit 關禮傑, Kenny Wong Tak Bun 黃德斌, Tracy Ip 葉翠翠 , Rachel Kan 簡慕華, Episodes: 30 Airing date: 22 April 2013 (After ‘A Great […]


December 2011

[Bottled Passion] Episode 1-10 Thoughts

I am loving this series so much because of the story line and Raymond Wong’s “Tong Boon Sin” character. At first I thought Raymond’s character would be similar to Sammul Chan in “The Price of Greed” (especially after watching his scene with Yoyo Chen in the first episode) but I’m relieved to know they’re different. […]