Who put candle wax on the hair pin, which caused Krystal’s death? Was it Susanna or Michelle? *suspense* *Do not read further if you don’t want to know!* Only kidding. Please do continue reading 🙂 The answer is revealed to us in the first few minutes of the episode. Shown in a flashback, when young […]

Hi everyone! My name is Chibi and this is my first episode guest entry here at K-TVB.net. While KTVB will be bringing to you everything [Born Rich] between studying, I’ll be covering [Beyond the Realm of Conscience]. So, let’s get started 🙂 I finally sit down and start watching the TVB Grand Production [Beyond the […]

Here are screen captures for the opening of [Beyond the Realm of Conscience]. It’s quite a beautifully crafted sequence. As usual, if you’d like to use a few (e.g for forums) please credit K-TVB.net and link to us. Please do not take the lot 🙂 Enjoy!

Title: Beyond the Realm of Conscience 宫心计 Cast: Charmaine Sheh (佘诗曼), Tavia Yeung (杨怡), Moses Chan (陈豪), Kevin Cheng (郑嘉颖), Michelle Yim (米雪), Susanna Kwan (关菊英), Selena Li (李诗韵), Mary Hon (韩马利) Episodes: 33 Release date: 19 October 2009 ( HK) Producer: Mui Siu Ching Scriptwriter: Kar Wai Nam & Choi Ting Ting Themsongs: Susanna […]


September 2009

[You’re Hired] Episode 6

Charmaine is upset talking about her ex-boyfriend (played by Joel Chan) and Dayo is behind her listening to her. Half way through.. Dayo: Tissue tissue tissue.. Charmaine thinking Dayo was offering her a tissue, turns around to get it and thank him, but ends up seeing him use it to wipe his dripping icecream XD […]


September 2009

[You’re Hired] Favourite Character Poll

[poll id=”56″]


September 2009

[K for TVB] turns 3 years old!!

Happy 3rd Anniversary K for TVB!!  ^__- As of today, 10 September 2009- K for TVB officially turns three years old ^^..and look what I got!!! : : : TADA!! A super super super KAWAII Dayo x Charmaine Artwork from Chibi ^^ omg!! Arigatou!!! *hugs* I wish I can draw like that!! <3 Dayo!! I […]


September 2009

[You’re Hired] Episode 8

Dayo is sitting in a movie theatre watching a movie by himself. Dayo: Woah…oh ..my…god… A guy at the back with his girlfriend is annoyed by his sound effects. Girlfriend: I told you not to watch this movie, it’s so boring! I told you we should have watched a horror film. Boyfriend: You chose it. […]