April 2011

[Relic of an Emissary] Poll

I just started watching Relic of an Emissary and I’m loving it!! I’ve only seen up to episode 8 but I love all 5 main characters XD and so..I decided to put up a poll to see what you guys think XD Michael is soooo cool, but Sammul is so cute XD

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24 Responses to “[Relic of an Emissary] Poll”

  • zihwye says:

    who in the world voted for joel chan?! joel chan is fine as an actor but his role here is freaking annoying! xD

    • KTVB says:

      Yea I never really liked his character that much. From the start I found him too kiddy to become the King. Not being bias but I think Joe would make a much better King. At the start I thought he was ok..fair enough- a good boy- but then as the series goes on- it seems like he’s just being used/mislead by his followers…

      • Jnewin says:

        I’m still thinking about the scene where Joe’s brother got punished for making fake money. Who’s side would you be on Joe or Joel?

        Also that part where Joel wants to marry Yoyo Chan.
        Both Joe and Joel has different perspective.

        • zihwye says:

          joel marrying yoyo chan was just immaturity on his part. i mean hello hes a freaking emperor. surely he should be mature enough to understand the meaning of ‘以大局爲重’!

  • Ri says:

    I love Sammul’s character! he’s mild-mannered, smart AND he can kick ass. Tell me Sam Po can cook too and I’ll believe he’s perfect! 😛

    Not sure if it’s how her character was written or if she’s over-acting, but I cannot stand Elanne in this show! I liked her relationship with Joe and Sammul in the beginning but now Elanne just gets on my nerves. Must be her voice too! But I don’t rmb her being THIS grating in E,U..

    • KTVB says:

      I totally agree with you about Sammul!! XD Such a waste that he’s an eunuch! :< (At least he doesn't act like one!)

      • witnap says:

        seriously….elanne is superly annoying i just wish to slap some senses into her….her voice is already annoying and she always do it high-pitched some more… >.< i would just skip her scene (its a waste of time)

      • zihwye says:

        i think its kinda strange how he doesnt act like a eunuch. and how they don’t treat him as one either. like michael tse even talked about he having a chance to win elanne kong’s hand in marriage at the start. that was just weird.

        • KTVB says:

          I guess that isn’t a well known knowledge…it seems like Michael didn’t know (and Macy either)- One could easily be misled to think that Sammul is just one of Ying Wong’s most trusted advisor.. (esp when he wears normal clothes)

          I wonder if the Princess knows though..

        • Jnewin says:

          I rather Sammul be a normal trusted advisor than be an eununch. I just think Sammul being an eununch is a waste.

          Yeah, I also had the same thought as you about Sammul doesn’t like an eununch and Michael Tse can tell that he likes her.

        • zihwye says:

          @Jnewin urm but historically, ma san bo was an eunuch. history’s a bit hard to change for a drama like that eh?

          anyway, now we know that actually, nobody knew he was an eunuch! xD

  • zihwye says:

    am i the only one who finds sire ma super annoying too? :/

    • KTVB says:

      I find her annyoing too! Actually, at first I thought she was ok, and felt sorry for her but as the series progressed and she kept clinging onto Michael Tse (and doing/saying things which made Kate/Elanne jealous) she really annoyed me! Her actions are understandable though but rather selfish…

      • witnap says:

        i kinda annoy by siu kiu :S as much as i wanna pity her, but she ispretending in front of siu fung :X

        but i certainly don’t pity wing yeung; spoilt reckless and most of all immature and brat D: i hope she ends up all alone…annoy more by wing yeung than siu kiu

        • misstila says:

          i think siu kiu is really annoying here too

        • Madeline says:

          I agree with you 🙂 Siu Kiu is so naive and yet annoying as well. She’s sorta two-faced. I don’t know why won’t she just accept the fact that Michael only treats her like a little sister or a friend. I think that Michael suits best with Kate as in Chor Chor cause like Chor Chor is like the only girl that’s more suitable for him. Wing Yeung is kinda annoying as well.

  • zihwye says:

    oh how about elanne kong and lee keng-long? the army guy.

    • Madeline says:

      you mean elanne kong and lee dou duk? hmm I don’t think they make a cute couple. But they both certainly match because both characters aren’t that interesting to watch.

      • zihwye says:

        i actually LIKE elanne kong! i don’t know why everyone hates her ): but anyway, i think lee dou duk is evil in a stupid way, which makes him the most neutral person to marry her. x)

        • swtlav3ndar says:

          I agree that Elanne Kong can get annoying sometimes, but I like her the most out of all the female cast. I don’t know about her voice since I’m watch the series in Vietnamese dub.

          I hate Sire Ma’s character the most because she is so two-faced!! I hate her evil smile so much! If it wasn’t because of the princess, she would have became a prostitute, yet she is not even grateful towards the princess. She kept making the princess look bad in front of Siu Fung and wanted him for herself. I can’t stand her acting either.

  • Michael says:

    lol. You can’t tell because Michael looks so young but he’s 21 years older than Elanne.

  • Jessica says:

    Too bad Chor Chor (Kate) and Siu Fung (Michael) didn’t get to be together. I was hoping for them to be together at the end so bad!!! It’s weird how the Wing-Yeung end like Michael. Too bad Sam-po was an enunch or Elanne and Sammul would make a very good couple.

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