January 2008

[Men Don’t Cry] Poll

I decided to dedicate my first Poll for Men Don’t Cry ^^ simply because it is one of my favourite series of the year yet it does not seem to gain the praise and attention it deserves. One factor I believe was the promotional poster and its casts..most Dayo Wong supporters have given him a go, but those who didn’t feel much for him (like myself) thought the cast did not look good enough. Perhaps it was because the cast were older and “ugly” . This was my opinion anyway. Most people gave up on the series after the first few episode, I myself almost did, but I’m really glad I didn’t because the series picks up so well after and it has been a series I was really addicted to watching til the end.

I really hope that more TVB viewers will watch this series. Dayo can make you hate him so much at the start, yet pity and feel so much for his character as the story goes on. It’s a very enjoyable series after the first few episodes which is why I’ve been trying to promote this series on my blog, with episodic summaries etc.

Hope you guys will trust me and give this series a go =)

[poll id=”2″]

2 Responses to “[Men Don’t Cry] Poll”

  • sugar says:

    i agree with you.
    people should give this a try.
    maybe the first two episodes doesnt appeal you but i guess thats how all the TVB series start of.

    i really like this series. its like the best by far. 🙂

  • gyu says:

    should add more options:..
    the beginning was slow but funny but the ending earlier half of episodes took all my squeals =D

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