English Title: The Ultimate Addiction (previously known as ‘Midas’)

Cantonese Title: 點金勝手

Cast: Bosco Wong 黃宗澤 , Kate Tsui 徐子珊, Nancy Wu 胡定欣, Sharon Chan 陳敏之, Ben Wong 黃智賢, Elena Kong 江美儀, Toby Leung 梁靖琪, MC Jin 歐陽靖

Episodes: 30

Airing date: 2 June 2014 – 11 July 2014 (after ‘Never Dance Alone‘)

Themesong: Challenge (考驗) by Fred Cheng | Sub- Tight Game (棋逢敵手) by Hubert Wu & Kate Tsui (Full versions)

Official: Website

Executive Producer: Chong Wai Kin

Scriptwriter: Pang Mei Fung, Ng Lap Kwong

TVB The Ultimate Addiction


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Official Synopsis

Financial elite, CHEUK YUK (Bosco Wong), never hesitates to use any dirty tricks to gain a profit, so he has been under close surveillance by the Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB).

Being obsessed with money and power, CHEUK YUK constantly neglects his family members and friends. Because of him, his wife and mentor pass away respectively, yet he shows no remorse at all. On the contrary, his craving for money and power continuously increases. His brother-in-law CHOW SUN-YUNG (Ben Wong), one of the CCB inspectors, is determined to put him in jail, collaborating with superior HO SHEUNG-YEE (Sharon Chan) and subordinate CHI NGA (Kate Tsui) to gather evidence. SUN-YUNG thinks highly of CHI NGA and even regards her as his last apprentice, to his surprise, CHI NGA suddenly resigns and starts working for CHEUK YUK. At first, she gains CHEUK YUK’s second wife, FONG MING-YU’s (Nancy Wu) trust, following which she helps CHEUK YUK deal with CHAI PUI-FUN (Elena Kong), a mogul in the financial industry. It seems that CHI NGA has grasped total control, undermining CHEUK YUK’s ambition. Who will eventually be the ultimate winner when facing fierce competition in the financial battle like this?


Synopsis Credits: TVB.com.au

22 Responses to “[New Series]: The Ultimate Addiction”

  • DKKK says:

    鄭俊弘 考驗 Zheng Zhoon Wang Hau Yim

    世界有太多背面 暗裡有太多好處 Sai Gai Yau Thai Doh Bui Min/ Ngam Lui Yau Thai Doh Hou Chu/,
    懂得挑選方會一策萬全 Dung Tuck Tiew Shuin Fong Wui Yat Chaak Man Chuin/,
    哪個正處優養尊 哪個要看高一線 Nah Kwo Jing Chu Yau Yeung Juin /Nah Kwo Yiew Hon Gou Yat Sin/,
    誰凝聚勢力 誰幕後 全部看穿 Shui Ying Zhui Sai Lik/ Shui Mok Hau Chuin Bou Hon Chuin/,

    誰又會知 隨時如輪流轉 Shui Yau Wui Chee /Chui Si Yu Loon Lau Juin,
    好戲即將上演 Hou Hei Jik Jeung Seong Yin/,
    拿捏計算 Nah Nip Gai Shuin/,
    只要幸運站在這邊 Jik Yiew Hang Wan Zham Zhoi Chea Bin/,

    慢慢地忘掉名字 慢慢受考驗 Man2 Dei Mong Diew Ming Chee/ Man2 Sau Hau Yim/,
    慢慢被名利迷住 誰人能發現 Man2 Bei Ming Lei Mai Chu/ Shui Yan Nang Fat Yin/,
    慢慢地忘掉生命許多意義 Man2 Dei Mong Diew Sang Ming Hui Dou Yi Yin/,
    當世俗已經沉淪如此 Dong Sau Juk Yi Ging Chaam Loon Yu Chi/,
    埋沒了良知 能贏來榮譽 Mai Moot Liew Leung Chi/ Nang Ying Loi Wing Yu/,
    取捨太易 不需多費舌 Chui Seh Thai Yi/ Bat Shui Doh Bai Sit/,

    看我過去多幼稚 看我以往多不智Hon Ngor Kwo Hui Doh Yau Chi/ Hon Ngor Yi Wong Doh Bat Chi/,
    漆黑之中竟會相信諾言 Chaat Hak Chee Chung Ging Wui Seong Shoon Ngok Yin/,
    這次我偶一擱淺 背水決這一戰 Chea Chi Ngor Ngau Yat Gok Chin/ Bui Shui Kuit Chea Yat Jin/,
    仍然未結局 還活著 還未當輸 Ying Yin Mei Kit Kuk/ Wan Woot Yeuk Wan Mei Dong Shu/,

    誰又會知 隨時如輪流轉 Shui Yau Wui Chee /Chui Si Yu Loon Lau Juin,
    好戲即將上演 Hou Hei Jik Jeung Seong Yin/,
    拿捏計算 Nah Nip Gai Shuin/,
    只要幸運站在這邊 Jik Yiew Hang Wan Zham Zhoi Chea Bin/,

    慢慢地忘掉名字 慢慢受考驗 Man2 Dei Mong Diew Ming Chee/ Man2 Sau Hau Yim/,
    慢慢被名利迷住 誰人能發現 Man2 Bei Ming Lei Mai Chu/ Shui Yan Nang Fat Yin/,
    慢慢地忘掉生命許多意義 Man2 Dei Mong Diew Sang Ming Hui Dou Yi Yin/,
    當世俗已經沉淪如此 Dong Sau Juk Yi Ging Chaam Loon Yu Chi/,
    埋沒了良知 能贏來榮譽 Mai Moot Liew Leung Chi/ Nang Ying Loi Wing Yu/,
    取捨太易 不需多費舌 Chui Seh Thai Yi/ Bat Shui Doh Bai Sit/,

    這世界繼續變遷 在亂局如何自處 Chea Sai Kai Gai Zhuk Bin Chin/ Zhoi Luin Kuk Yu Hor Chee Chu/,
    怎可以永不會輸 Zham Hor Yi Wing Bat Wui Shu/,

    自那天 慢慢地忘掉名字 慢慢受考驗 Chee Nah Thin/ Man2 Dei Mong Diew Ming Chi/ Man2 Sau Hau Yim/,
    慢慢被名利迷住 誰人能發現 Man2 Bei Ming Lei Mai Chu/ Shui Yan Nang Fat Yin/,
    慢慢地忘掉生命許多意義 Man2 Dei Mong Diew Sang Ming Hui Dou Yi Yin/,
    當世俗已經沉淪如此 Dong Sau Juk Yi Ging Chaam Loon Yu Chi/,
    埋沒了良知 能贏來榮譽 Mai Moot Liew Leung Chi/ Nang Ying Loi Wing Yu/,
    取捨太易 不需多費舌 Chui Seh Thai Yi/ Bat Shui Doh Bai Sit/,
    THE END!!!

  • DKKK says:

    棋逢敵手 胡鴻鈞 徐子珊 Kei Fung Teik Sau Wu Hung Gwan & Chui Chee San
    閉上眼成全漫天黑暗 Bai Seong Ngan Sing Chuin Man Thin Hak Ngam/,
    人人同時亦有些私隱 Yan2 Tong Si Yik Yau Seh Si Yan/,
    若我與你海角共沉 Yeuk Ngor Yu Lei Hoi Kok Gung Chaam/,
    還是勝過天地獨行 Wan Si Sing Kwo Thin Dei Duk Hang/
    延續最多紛爭 有無盡滿足感 Yin Juk Zhui Doh Fan Zhang/ Yau Mou Zhoon Moon Zhuk Gam/,

    這世界從來就不公允 Chea Sai Gai Chung Loi Zhau Bat Gung Wan/
    人人隨時或有假天真 Yan2 Chui Si Wak Yau Gar Thin Zhan/,
    是我夠坦率去做人 Si Ngor Gau Tan Seot Hui Zhou Yan/,
    還是我夠演技成分 Wan Si Ngor Gau Yin Gei Sing Fan/,
    良善愛心惻隱 你能被我吸引 Leung Sin Ngoi Sam Chaak Yan /Lei Nang Bei Ngor Kap Yan/,

    誰能知道日後 Shui Nang Chee Dou Yat Hau/,
    我不怕共你激戰再獨鬥 Ngor Bat Pah Gung Lei Kik Jin Zhoi Duk Dau/,
    有你在狂風中不恐懼 笑傲中相聚 光陰匆匆如水
    Yau Lei Zhoi Kwong Fung Chung Bat Hung Gui Siew Ngou Chung Seong Zhui/ Kwong Yam Chung2 Yu Shui/,
    平淡也牽得到你手 若有幸頑石終會變做金鑽
    Ping Dam Yah Hin Tuck Dou Lei Sau/ Yeuk Yau Hang Wan Seik Zhung Wui Bin Zhou Kam Juin/,
    棋逢敵手鬥下去 不枉惡鬥風猛吹 Kei Fung Teik Sau Dau Har Hui/ Bat Wong Ngok Dau Fung Mang Chui/

    緣份加上遷就 要應有盡有永遠也不夠
    Yuin Fun Kar Seong Chin Zhau /Yiew Ying Yau Zhoon Yau Wing Yuin Yah Bat Gau/,
    與你共對千般的感受 努力的守候 只需一起同分憂
    Yu Lei Gung Dui Chin Bun Teik Gam Sau/ Nou Lik Teik Sau Hau/ Jik Shui Yau Hei Tong Fun Yau/,
    徬徨或鬥嘴都不會走 讓隔膜明日消散愛永久
    Pong Wong Wak Dau Chui Dou Bat Wui Zhau/ Yeung Kak Mok Ming Yat Siew San Ngoi Wing Gau/,
    像個舉世蜜友 唯獨你得到天意獨厚
    Jeung Kwo Gui Sai Mat Yau/ Wai Duk Lei Tuck Dou Thin Yi Duk Hau/,

    這世界從來就不公允 Chea Sai Kai Chung Loi Zhau Bat Gung Wan/,
    人人隨時或有假天真 Yan2 Chui Si Wak Yau Gar Thin Zhan/,
    是我夠坦率去做人 Si Ngor Gau Tan Seot Hui Zhou Yan/,
    還是我夠演技成分Wan Si Ngor Gau Yin Gei Sing Fan/
    良善愛心惻隱 你能被我吸引Leung Sin Ngoi Sam Chaak Yan /Lei Nang Bei Ngor Kap Yan/,

    誰能知道日後 Shui Nang Chee Dou Yat Hau/,
    我不怕共你激戰再獨鬥 Ngor Bat Pah Gung Lei Kik Jin Zhoi Duk Dau/,
    有你在狂風中不恐懼 笑傲中相聚 光陰匆匆如水
    Yau Lei Zhoi Kwong Fung Chung Bat Hung Gui /Siew Ngou Chung Seong Zhui /Kwong Yam Chung2 Yu Shui/,
    平淡也牽得到你手 若有幸頑石終會變做金鑽
    Ping Dam Yah Hin Tuck Dou Lei Sau/ Yeuk Yau Hang Wan Seik Zhung Wui Bin Zhou Kam Juin/,

    棋逢敵手鬥下去 不枉惡鬥風猛吹 Kei Fung Teik Sau Dau Har Hui /Bat Wong Ngok Dau Fung Mang Chui/

    誠實加上謊話 我跟你樂趣永遠也不追究
    Sing Sat Kar Seong Fong Wah/ Ngor Gan Kei Lok Chui Wing Yuin Yah Bat Zhui Gau/,
    與你做戲千般的享受 各自的荒謬 只需一起能相守
    Yu Lei Zhou Hei Chin Bun Teik Heong Sau/ Kok Chee Teik Fong Mau/ Jik Shui Yat Hei Nang Seong Sau/,
    強詞奪理都找到藉口 讓廢話全部編作愛滿口
    Keung Chi Duit Lei Dou Zhau Dou Jik Hau /Yeung Fai Wah Chuin Bou Phin Zhok Ngoi Moon Hau/,
    劇鬥幾次還有 成敗裡多少感到內疚
    Kek Dau Gei Chi Wan Yau/ Sing Bai Lei Doh Siew Gam Dou/ Noi Gau/,
    THE END!!!

  • Jessica says:

    So. Is Kate Tsui a bad guy or a good guy? haha~~ 😛

    • KTVB says:

      I think she’s a good character…but getting close to Bosco to take him down! Hopefully she won’t get corrupted later on!

      Based on the synopsis, sounds like Kate will play a very interesting character!

  • Kar kei says:

    Hi, do you guys know the dancing song which showing Ben Wong and Elena Kong are dancing?

    • Jiunnyi says:

      I’m also looking for that song very desperately..btw,please share the name of the song with me if you get to find it pleaseee 🙁

    • Celeste says:

      Hi, I’m also looking for that song. Have tried using apps to catch the song but failed really miserably so far!

      I did manage to catch some of the lyrics but I couldn’t find it too. Could it possibly be a song composed by TVB themself?

  • KTVB says:

    I just finished watching episode 19 of the series! 🙂

    I’m not quite sure what else will happen with the remainder of the series (30 episodes in total).

    The only thing I can see happening is Nancy becoming extremely jealous and bitter as Bosco clearly has feelings for Kate.

    Kate’s plans have been revealed and everyone knows the truth..and now sadly she is unable to look after herself. The only comforting thing is tha everyone cares a lot about her, including Bosco.

    I think love with spark between Kate and Bosco. I can already feel a lot of chemistry between the two even though Kate has hatred towards him and wants to seek revenge for her dad. It will be interesting to see how their relationship will unfold but something tells me Bosco will do a lot to help Kate recover, which may touch her! Will just have to see 🙂 The scene where Bosco was hugging onto Kate as she was bitting his arm was so……ngawwwww ^^;

    • Mandy says:

      HAHAHAH omg yes same feelings here! I really loveeee their onscreen chemistry! they’re quite close in real life so I think that helps in the quality of the drama ahahah. I can really feel like the love between them? (if you get what I mean, lol.) looking forward to how Kate recovers (I’m pretty sure she would haha) & to see how their relationship is brought to a new level. anticipating, but yet sad because it’s ending soon 🙁 🙁

      • KTVB says:

        hahah yes I seriously love watching Bosco and Kate here…so much better thnan their pairing in “Lives of Omission”. I love the “unspoken” feelings they have for each other…everyone knows its there.

        Up to episode 22 now- pretty sure the video of her dad is fake. Maybe that’s ho Kate will ‘accept’ Bosco..but then wonder how she will deal with it when she finds out he’s lying to her again.

        Loved the scenes in episode 21 where Bosco went looking for Kate after he was hospitalised and how Kate felt “grateful” (if thats the right word) that Bosco let her stab him in order to help her recover.

        Starting to find Jack Wu’s character quite annoying..

  • hello says:

    anyone knows whats is the title of the song MC Jin sings outside the bar?

  • Phyllis says:

    anyone know the song played when Toby and MC Jin talks on the phone? I tried googling the lyrics but couldn’t find the version that was played.

  • Laylie says:

    Hi! Anyone know where I can watch The Ultimate Addiction episode 26 please??

  • midasco says:

    Do anyone know the title of the english background song for the ultimate addiction

  • Marianne says:

    May I know what’s d English song in final ep during the wedding in the church ?

  • Tam says:

    Could anyone please tell me the name of the song in the end of ep25 which Bosco and Kate listen to in the Jazz bar before they meet Nancy

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