English Title: The Other Truth
Cantonese Title:真相 (jan seung)
Cast: æ¨æ€¡ Tavia Yeung, 黄浩然 Raymond Wong Ho Yin, é™ˆå±•é¹ Ruco Chan Chin Pang, 阮兆祥 Louis Yuen Shiu Cheung, å”è¯—å’ Natalie Tong, 马国明 Kenneth Ma, 黎诺懿 Chris Lai Lok Yi, é™ˆå®‡ç› Chan Yu Sum
Episodes: 25
Airing date: 27 June 2011 – 29 July 2011 (Airring after Ghetto Justice)
Official: Website | Purchase DVD @ YesAsia.com (English Subtitles)
Themesong: Tsim Fuk (æ½›ä¼) by Ryan Lau (CD)
Does every verdict reveal the truth? Watch the court room drama unfold as a group of very individual attorneys are brought together in complex legal proceedings and each lawyer reveals their own story.
Barrister LAU SZ-KIT’s (Ruco Chan) ambition knows no limits. He will do everything he can in order to win a case, even if it means putting himself at risk.
His good friend CHEUK SIU-HIM (Raymond Wong) runs a law firm. Although HIM is a qualified barrister, he, has no court experience, until HONG CHI-YAN (Tavia Yeung) joins his firm. Thereafter, HIM’s debut meets with loud acclaim.
Their good friend WAI MAN-HON (Louis Yuen) is a down-on-his-luck lawyer who is financially dependent on his mother: but when a thorny case comes his way, it looks as if his luck has finally changed…
Overall Thoughts *contains spoilers*
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当案件ç»è¿‡æ³•åºå®¡è®¯åŽï¼Œé‚£ä¸ªåˆ¤å†³å°±æ˜¯äº‹ä»¶çš„真相å—ï¼Ÿå‡ ä¸ªæ€§æ ¼æˆªç„¶ä¸åŒçš„å¤§å¾‹å¸ˆï¼Œå› ä¸ºå¤šå®—æ¡ˆæƒ…å¤æ‚的官å¸ç›¸é‡ï¼Œä»–们在æœé›†å£ä¾›ã€è¯æ®ã€ä¸Šåºã€æŽ§è¾©ä»¥åŠæŽ¥å—审判结果的ç§ç§è¿‡ç¨‹ä¸ï¼Œéƒ½å……分展示了æ¯ä¸ªäººèƒŒåŽçš„故事。
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他们的好勔倒霉大状”韦文瀚(阮兆祥)在仕途上则比较åŽå·ä¸å®ï¼Œåœ¨å¾‹å¸ˆè¡Œä¹äººé—®æ´¥ä¹‹ä½™è¿˜è¦é æ¯äº²æŽ¥æµŽåº¦æ—¥ï¼Œä¸è¿‡ï¼Œä¸€å®—外界看为必输的官å¸å´æ„外地è½å…¥ä»–手ä¸â€¦â€¦ã€‚
Synopsis Credits : TVB.com
Another Lawyer series, airring back to back with “Ghetto Justice”~ (I wish TVB scheduled it a bit better )I wonder how this one will turn out- it looks a lot more serious than Ghetto Justice~~
errr, TVB? errr???
anyway i love natalie tong, raymond wong and kenneth ma… but while ruco chan is an amazing actor, hes always evil so i dont really like seeing him around
I was surprised to find out tht another lawyer series would air straight after Ghetto Justice but I don’t mind because I have been looking forward to this series for awhile now
I like the 3 main leads and the whole lawyer premise just works for me. Have to say tho, while I’m looking forward to this show, I don’t rly want Ghetto Justice to end – am enjoying it quite a bit! 
Yeah I agree they really shouldn’t be doing another lawyer series just after Ghetto Justice but the previews make the story look good and the actors are great! I am excited for the airing!
Same thoughts as everyone else. TVB might need to spread out their same genre series… I remember that one time when a bunch of like crime series came out pretty close to each other too.
I pretty much like the cast so I’ll probably end up watching this after Ghetto Justice ends~ but um, why does Ruco always have to be evil? I sorta want him in a nice role for a change mmm. TVB should get on that. & maybe make Raymond evil or something once of these days hahah (not that I don’t like him being the good guy).
i agree – why does Ruco always have to be evil? I bet he’d be good in a nice role!
YES Ruco should stop being evil. LOL. He was sort of good in Only You but that role was small. He seems like a nice person behind the scenes – and he gets along with all the people he hates in shows hahaha – at least on weibo. Besides, a good actor should be able to take on different roles. And Ruco is a good actor.
I pretty much enjoy seeing Ruco as a good guy in Only You too and I wish he could of have more nice person roles. I remember watching a china mainland drama and he’s the good guy in the show playing a person with low IQ, almost like Charmaine’s character in My Sister of Eternal Flower. He acted really good in that show and it’s interesting to watch. I believe the show is called “Stupid Child” or 笨å°å©
If you are curious about the show I said that Ruco was in about 4 years ago, here’s the link to see how the show is like:
OOH thank you <3
so this is what he was up to before he joined tvb. bet he got poached cos his acting is so awesome!
Yeah, i would say that his character in the show is not really annoying but is well played and kind of lovable
*tosses confetti in the air
lol where you watch it? is it in Cantonese?
azdrama. yes in cantonese (:
wait, which category do I go to?
tht’s the thing, i think it may be one of those start of as good then turn evil later thing :/ i mean i certainly hope not though! Ruco is pretty cool so far and it’s nice to see him in such a big role (episode 1 was pretty much all him!)
@Ri: yeah because after seeing the first two episodes, I don’t think he’s evil at all. Maybe he’ll turn evil later
@Madeline: i hope not! the show’s pretty good so far, no? so far all the characters are likeable
@Ri, yeah. I’ve seen Ruco’s good side in a show before which is the one I mentioned from my previous comments. And I really like him being a good guy :D. So of course, I want to see him as a good guy again
um azdrama just scroll down you should see it

hes the main character here i really don’t think hes going to turn evil haha. i think raymond wong might end up turning evil though.
i will admit it feels weird seeing him act (so) good. BUT I LIKE IT.
i think the biggest question i have is how he is going to fall for tavia yeung lol. i just dont see it happening.
i still don’t find it…
can you just paste the link so I can go there, it’ll mean a lot cuz i really wanna watch it too, I only watched a few episodes when i was at hong kong but i left hong kong back to my hometown so i wasn’t able to watch the whole thing although I really do wanna watch the whole thing
just azdrama.net and scroll down.
Looks better than GJ.
But I’m biased because there’s tavia..haha.
I agree with you zeltrax. Not just because there is tavia but it’s also because there si raymond wong!! <3
I watched the first 5 episodes and really like the series. I feel that the cases are more serious than Ghetto Justice but are pretty interesting!
This is my first Ruco Chan series I’ve watched where he plays such a main role and I’m quite impressed from what I see at the moment ehee.
Ruco seems like a really good lawyer (like LA Law in GJ)who does eveyrthing he can to help his client- more importantly, it looks as though he was really able to help bring justice (Lee Sze Kei’s case) – although sometimes he crosses the line.
Tavia’s character is a contrast as she believes there is only black and white and no grey. She is confident, knowledgable & competent. She’s rpetty cool in that respect. I wonder if her character will change through the series where she would be faced with more “gray” issues..
Am really enjoying this series too! Case-based, which means quite a few guest stars (wonder wht Kenneth’s case will be!). Also like the natural chemistry between the actors, even between Tavia & Ruco who, so far, just quarrel with each other. Also nice that everyone knows everyone already which adds to the whole camaraderie effect
I always knew Ruco had leading man potential and he is doing a great job so far! Super cool as a big shot lawyer, esp when he goes all out for a case. Really hope he doesn’t become bad later on.. :s Tavia is also really cool here, but I’m also looking forward to seeing her deal with the gray areas in law.. As for Raymond Wong, always a fun presence to have on screen, but has barely had any major screentime yet!
Lookin forward to seeing how the series progresses!
i dunno if its better than GJ because sometimes, i feel like they leave out very important aspects of the court proceedings. like for example where ruco chan gets off the hook because his mentor spoke up for him in court – so, what did the mentor say?! XD having said that, im really enjoying this drama too. its just that GJ was really good, im not sure if this can be better
I was looking forward to see what the mentor had to say too XD It was proably on the same lines of what Rucco was saying
Are we gonna be looking forward to a detailed series review by you Ktvb as the drama progresses? Please say yes!
haha I’m not sure! Might write up something at the end..but will progressively leave comments on this page
I have watched the first six episodes and LOVE IT! I haven’t watched GJ (avoid KC at all costs) so I cannot compare it to OT.. I totally love Ruco and its about TIME he got a leading role.. He definitely has the experience to lead a drama (ATV days) and he’s so ying in OT, yes?
I definitely enjoy Tavia and Ruco’s chemistry here… I love their bickering and Raymond provides the comedy effect while Natalie is not too bad to watch either..
The cases are quite interesting and I have noticed there are a lot of guests stars!
Can’t wait to watch more
Well, I thought GJ is refreshing because it’s so different from other legal drama, but the storyline and characters lack development. If they expand it to be more than 20 eps maybe it would have been better. I love TOT so far ^^ I prefer Keith over LA anytime! The cases are much better too. I love how it questions the gray area of justice, like Lee Si Kei’s son case. Can’t wait to watch more!
Oh I see… I think OT focuses on its character growth as well as interesting cases… Yup I hope OT continues to be entertaining as its first 6 episodes
I can’t wait to see how PangYi romance develops! I am such a sucker for PangYi because their chemistry is so natural hehehe maybe its their acting that contributes to their chemistry too
Ruco and Tavia does have a interesting chemistry but I don’t think they’ll end up together. I prefer Tavia and Raymond Wong
and Ruco and Natalie.
I love how they constantly mention “The Truth is…” during the series- since it emphasizes the title of the series lol It also makes me feel like that is the actual truth, and the law is bringing justice to those who deserve it!
Just starting to watch and I’m happy to see Ruco in the main role. Haha.
But as the others said… why does he always have to be evil? ;____;
I don’t think he’s gonna turn evil at all after watching 7 episodes of this show
heyyy does anyone know the name of the other cecilia that isn’t natalie tong? D:
Meini Cheung
if anyone wants to watch this series you can go to azdrama here: http://azdrama.net/hk-drama/256-the-other-truth/
What do you guys think about the Chima case? Do u think he is guilty. Also I like how TOT actually shows the actual processes In the court.
haha i was thinking about that too after finishing the latest episode and yeah I had the same reaction as you do. They taught me something about court that no other law shows show on screen which is cool.
I think Chima should be guilty. I’m not being bias here but I’m just saying even though he’s not Indian but Asian, I’m still sticking with guilty. One, he secretly took pictures of Aimee/Iris and send it to people such as the employee of the Gah Lay Restaurant plus he also shows affection to Aimee when she’s on tv and he goes all turned on and stuff so probably he really likes Aimee in the way and wanting to pursue her too. I mean why would they show those scenes when Chima wanted to pursue Aimee, I mean that wouldn’t make sense so yeah. And when they were in the party celebrating Aimee, it was nice of him to defend her from the random guy who wants to sexually harass her but Chima should know after that he should just go. And even though Aimee invited Chima to her party, he should just be there to celebrate and say happy birthday and go right? He shouldn’t be staying there until Aimee leaves. And like what they said in court, how does he know where Aimee lives and this fact proves that he wanted to pursue Aimee in the first place. And even though Aimee wants to lure Chima into making out with her, he should know the consequences and he should know that Aimee was drunk that time, she might be kidding and he could have call Aimee’s boyfriend to watch her over and then leave or else this situation wouldn’t have happened in the first place. Even though Chima doesn’t know Aimee has a boyfriend, he should just like Aimee lying down on the sofa and just leave her at home and he could just leave the apartment.
I know right? ^^
I like how they included the jury process in here. Even though the lawyers do most of the work here, in the end, the juries are the one convicting the criminal. Just like the recent Casey Anthony case, everyone was so shocked from the jury’s decision. I like to see how their personal feelings and background help influence their decision. In most legal drama, it seems like the lawyer with the most dramatic “ending speech” always win, so this is refreshing in a way.
As for Chima, I think he’s not guilty. I think this is where Mavis will lose and it will make her think about her way of doing things. Also, the scene in the market with that szi lai jury also kinda hint that we shouldn’t judge people base on their appearance.
It’s like the script writer read my mind hahaha.
hahah and u could say you read the script writer’s mind.
lol you won a case congrats
During the Chima case when the jurors had to determine the case, it reminded me of an old movie called 12 angry men. their attitude and stuff were sooo similar to the movie i felt like tvb sorta copied it and hoping no1 would realize it. haha i just wanted to point that out. but so far this show is pretty good. i think better than ghetto justice cuz it’s more realistic and serious. and all the cameo appearances HAHA.
omg hahaha you took the words out of my mouth XD
i was like omg! it’s like that law movie i watched in class wayyy back. then i started google-ing like crazy and i found 12 angry men
haha glad im not the only one that watched that movie xD
Yea the Chima case was pretty interesting. Like everyone else, I really like how the case was pretty much run by the juries. It was interesting how they showed the procedures for the juries and the thought process behind coming up with the decisions. It also seemed pretty realistic giving us a background info behind each of the juries and the different perspectives they have (eg impatient jury who really does not want to be there because he has his work to worry about).
If they didn’t show what the juries had considered; it would look like Tavia had lost case because she wasn’t convincing enough as a barrister.
The juries were interesting too- good to see so many misc TVB actors there ahah
The chima case was interesting for me because it focused on the jurors! I’ve never seen a TVB drama do something like that before, which makes me feel like this drama’s main focus is the law and the characters’ personal lives are just side stories. Good on TVB on producing what seems to (so far) be a non-fluffy drama!
Having said that, am totally loving the chemistry between Ruco and Tavia! I’m not sure who she’ll end up with or maybe no one will end up anyone but I love watching Ruco and Tavia interact. Also v glad Ruco is given such a big role in this series, about time his acting chops were recognised!
I’m still holding out as to whether or not Ruco will become bad later on, tho at this point I’m slowly thinking that maybe he won’t turn bad after all..or tht could just be me really hoping he won’t!
Quite a good show so far!
I am absolutely loving this series and I have to say Ruco is really stealing the show for me… I’ve always liked him but i think its because he has such a big role in this series and he’s portraying a good guy that i especially like him. Im also loving his interactions with Tavia XD. I hoping Ruco’s character will stay the same (not turning bad). I also feel really sorry for him… His mum is so MEAN to him… stalking him all the time and all querying him.
Rooting for Tavia and Ruco to be together <3
I’m so excited for the next episode. Obviously Ruco will have to defend for his mom, but I wonder how he would feel, since the other woman is so nice to him. I love that one scene when he just had a fight with his mom and Louis was talking to him. He sounds like he wants to cry. Ruco’s portraying the character’s emotions very well ^^
Definately interesting to see how Ruco will perform in court…one hand its his mother..but the other woman treats him so much better..I guess it will be all about finding out “The Truth” XD
I think his mum is just a weirdo…….I can’t understand her at all!
I think TVB will resolve the mother and son relationship though!
I just watched episode 23—> OMG i feel bad for Ruco’s mum, poor her, i was so decieved into thinking that she was guilty and then i realised what happened :L
I felt so sad when Tavia refused to help Ruco… i understand her principles but then Ruco’s hopeless and helpless emotions were upsetting :'(, however i think tavia and ruco’s relationship is progressing and i cannot wait until he starts to persue her ;)hehe.
Ruco’s acting is so highlighted in this series…. also found out he’s a really good singer
But I find the story a little unrealistic though. That Mei yi woman planned the whole thing for 20 something years :< What kind of woman is that? Anyway I'm just waiting to see how this unfold. Although I hate his mom in the beginning, her expression when Keith didn't come see her makes me feel so bad. First he didn't believe her, then didn't become her lawyer, and didn't make time to come see her. She must have felt so bad :< I hope they'll resolve their relationships…
The choice to air 2 law-related dramas back to back is odd…
I’m trying to cut down tv time, so I guess I’ll watch this instead, since it hass Tavia and Raymond Wong!! I hope they FINALLY end up together.
omg i feel like this series is reaching it’s climax soon :O i hate the corrupted cops i hope ruco does something about it x___X judging from ep 28 preview it seems like raymond’s finally scared and backed out. i wonder does it have to do with the cops being corrupted by gang activity :O i hate cliff hangers x__X must wait for tomorrow’s episode!!!
I’m not that far into the series yet! Only up to episode 17, pretty exciting case!!! Intense and all~~ Hang in there Raymond!!
Episode 18 was so intense… poor raymond :'(. I feel like its getting to the climax, i love the way ruco gets the information he wants even though its a bit risky it makes him really stand out. I wonder how long this case is going to be? will this be the last major case? I think this case is so cleverly thought out… i feel really bad for raymond having to choose between going against his ways as a lawyer and keep his friends safe or just go with the flow and lie. the preview is such a climax cant wait for the next episode AHHH.
Also i think through this case both raymond and ruco will start to admire tavia’s methods as a barrister .. HEHE
hahah yea, its time for Tavia to shine!
Feel so sorry for Raymond- so dilemma!! He only wants to do what’s right, but its putting his friends and family into danger :< This is my favourite case/storyline so far. I heard Kenneth is going to make his appearance in the last 4 episodes- I wonder if that will be its own separate case, or linked to this one 
O yer I forgot about his appearance… I really like the way the series is heading though and I hope there’s series 2.. From the preview I wonder who saves tavia????
-Loving the series A LOT!
-I feel that this series is under-rated by too many people.
-Ruco’s character is ♥.Captured my attention as soon as he first appeared on the show and I’ve never noticed/cared for him before.
-Character development is excellent, but I would like to see more interaction between the leads.
-TVB, if you end this show well, I will forgive you for having a disappointing year in terms of series.
I don’t think this series is underrated. From what I can see, this series is quite popular and Ruco is definately getting his share of spotlight. I also heard the series is getting pretty good ratings, so that should keep you happy XD
Really? It seems like the ratings for shows are really low as it doesn’t seem to be topping the 29 mark for the average ratings. (But that seems to be the case for all the series this year) Hopefully they’ll get better as the finale is approaching. Definitely anticipating Ruco winning some award at the Awards show later this year, if he doesn’t I’m going to raise some hell. D:
Ruco also ger my attention from his first appearance in this series.
Agree that there should be more interactions between the leads.
I think from episode 18 on there will be more scenes between Tavia/Ruco and Tavia/Raymond.
Really anticipate the scene between Tavia and Ruco in the lift.
ruco captured my attention too!!!! i hope ruco will be with tavia at the end of this show!!! haha.. this is a very nice movie!!
Glad that Ruco is getting the attention he deserves coz he’s a good actor as well as a charismatic leading man! I think Tavia and him look great together, and somewhat better than Tavia/Raymond eventho I rooted like hell for Tavia/Raymond in Sweetness In The Salt.. but I digress!
But what I love most about the show are are the cases! Most of them are thrilling, like you don’t usually see a bunch of such corrupt cops on TV shows, and the writers have been pretty bold so far in pushing the story lines to the limits rather than sticking to safe and easy resolutions.
yeah the corrupted cops makes it so interesting!!!
Just saw the conclusion to that arc and I was screaming and on the edge of my seat the whole time. Super intense. Amazing character development (esp. for Mavis and Wallace) in episode 19.
help me out here.. i’ve been seeing videos and reading articles about ruco chan and lots of people are giving him a lot of stick and saying he’s a suck up and that he only got to where he was because he’s a ‘chat hai jai’???!! i beg to differ. Also apparently he only got the job for TOT because all the other first line actor were busy……. WTF?! (to be honest i cant imagine another actor playing his part)
Maybe the ones who say all that are fans of other actors. I read an article about Ron’s fans dissing Ruco because he has more screen time than Ron. Ruco doesn’t need to tsat hai for anyone. His looks and great acting alone is enough to beat the siu sangs.
WTF indeed! however he got the job, he’s clearly proven his worth. i mean look at him – he’s so suited for the role, and you’re right, i can’t imagine anyone else playing the role. i’ve watched him conduct interviews and he carries himself so well, really that of a “veteran” in the industry (altho he’s relatively new to TVB). and let’s get real, if you don’t do a bit of sucking up do you really think you can get any good roles in TVB shows? or any sort of recognition in TVB? whatever it is, i’m glad he’s playing the role of Keith and I hope he gets more leading roles in the future!
Ruco doesn’t need to ‘chat hai’ at all. He’s deemed himself worthy of this role and I seriously can’t imagine anyone else playing Keith’s role. He is exactly what’s expected for someone who’s been in the business for almost 20 years. Let me just say that I am a big fan of some of the Siu Sangs as well, but Ruco seriously made his way to the top of my TVB ♥ list.
I really like the scene between Tavia and Ruco in the lift, but it was a bit fast.
How do you find this scene?
Do you like Tavia and Ruco or Tavia and Raymond?
Tavia and Ruco definitely! I think the lift scene felt fast because it was pretty hyped up. But definitely way more chemistry there than btwn Tavia and Raymond, surprisingly seeing as how Tavia and Raymond had tons of chemistry in Sweetness In The Salt. I suppose it’s just the Wallace character who I don’t feel really suits Tavia’s Mavis character :/
I think I just love how the cocky, charismatic Keith is so flustered by his newfound liking for Mavis, haha!
haha I haven’t heard of the lift scene before I watched it, so I thought it was pretty cute! XD XD
I like Tavia and Ruco but I also like Tavia and Raymond together though. Even though their characters don’t go well together, in my opinion, their bond from the police case grew a lot stronger then and in this show, I like the process of how Raymond likes Tavia and first but then Tavia rejected him once and then Raymond soon figured out that he really loves Tavia and so he didn’t give up on himself and start pursuing her again. That’s why I call love lol. xD. And poor Raymond Wong just got rejected twice by Tavia. Raymond really changed in this episode too.
But they don’t really show how Ruco slowly falls for Tavia, it’s just that one episode that hints Ruco likes Tavia. I think Ruco falling for Tavia was just all of the sudden. I like Ruco as an actor too but I just don’t see much chemistrry between him and Tavia.
I agree. The writers rush through the process of Keith liking Mavis. It’s like all of a sudden Keith shows interest in Mavis and even getting jealous and stuff. It’s out of no where :/ On the other hand, Raymond’s liking Mavis has progressed slowly so it’s more realistic. I supported Keith and Mavis in the beginning because their interactions were really cute, but now it’s just awkward and seems a little out of character for Keith.
haha awkward for Keith indeed… XD It’s not like his usual self but I guess we haven’t seen his character fall in love other than for Mavis so it feels a bit strange..
I don’t really agree that it’s rushed. From the Chima episodes (after Tavia lost and Ruco comforted her) we can see their growing bond already. And i rmb this one scene where Tavia planned a party for Raymond (the one where he thought it was a date) and Ruco looked sort of jealous when Tavia and Raymond were bantering back and forth abt who should pay for dinner, and Ruco just jumped in and asked if she’s ordered the food or not.
I think the actual moment when he realised he had feelings for her was when he hugged her after the Siu Fuk case, but it’s clear they shared a bond even before that.
Then again, TVB may do what they always do and not let Tavia end up with anyone!
Yea I noticed Keith’s reaction in the scene you mentioned too XD I’m sure there were also bits and pieces, and you could pick it up from scenes when we saw Ceci get jealous whenever she saw Mavis and Keith together
Ruco and Tavia <3
i think this pairing works really well and i think that raymond's character wont go well with tavia… he'll probably end up as another Micheal whereas Ruco is the type tavia is looking for (i think).
just because ruco and tavia are both barristers, that doesn’t really mean that they should go together. and what do you mean by another Michael?
i prefer raymond and tavia after how much raymond did for tavia, he even risked his life for her and tavia was touched by raymond’s rescue, i think he deserves her more then ruco. i mean just because the show’s ending soon, the main characters show end up together, that’s kind of biased. and it’s just so sudden at ruco likes tavia. sure, they had some chemistry in the beginning of the episode, that doesn’t prove they had more chemistry than raymond and tavia does throughout the show.
I have rooted for Ruco and Tavia as a couple since the very beginning of the series. I think those two have more chemistry together than Raymond and Tavia even though Raymond has loved Tavia from the start and has changed so much for her. I am still for Ruco and Tavia but I also wonder how Ruco suddenly loved her.
I think this series has more cases in it rather than interactions between main characters than other dramas. There are only three episodes left and two main characters haven’t started dating .
But it doesn’t really matter to me.
I wonder how Tavia is going to choose between the two because they both are equally as nice to her and is a good person. If she chooses one the other would be unhappy. Definately a tough choice. Hopes she doesn’t not make this choice! D: But that would be unlikely.
if i were tavia, i would chose raymond, if she chooses ruco, it just seems a bit rushed…
Or maybe she won’t choose anyone. TVB tends to leave it hanging like that, where either candidate is possible. Now I care more about Kenneth & Natalie’s relationship than the main ones :]]
hmm maybe and yeah Kenneth is really evil but I still like him as an actor though, he’s too good at being good and bad xD
Yea, that is definitely a possibility.
But, Kenneth’s character is evil. If I were Natalie, I wouldn’t want to date someone that is part of a gang and is responsible of murdering someone. Plus he lied. How the two characters fell in love was kinda fast too. In the episode 23 preview (I haven’t watch the episode yet) I assume Kenneth is still wanting to date Natalie..
he does but uggh i saw episode 23 and it went pretty sad,
, thanks to kenneth, natalie…died in a car crash 
That scene was really sad!!! Felt so sad for Natalie..her death was like Kathy’s in EU where Michael killed her because he thought she betray him
Yea I know, I just finished watching it.
I feel so sorry for Natalie. But… She was kinda of dumb falling for a person like him, even though he seems like he truly loves her. I’m guessing Kenneth is going to ask his gang members to kidnap Ruco and Raymond because of what happened to Natalie after watch the next episode’s preview. I hope those two don’t die. But if one of them dies, the problem of who Tavia is going to choose to be with might be resolved.
omg kenneth is such a jerk OMFG, i like how this show had a lot of cameos but i hate kenneth’s character here
I couldn’t agree with you more… If he loved Natalie that much he wouldn’t organise for someone to kill her… I could not believe it @.@
Kenneth is so dangerous!!! When he’s with Natalie , he looks so innocent and in love with her!! I felt he geniuninely loved her deeply, but when she starts suspecting him, his face completely changes >< so scary..
haha first I thought he was an undercover police xD, I probably got the idea from The Mysteries of Love and the way he dresses is the same as how he was dressed in The Other Truth. lol that was a pretty wild guess xD
but after realizing he asked someone to kill Natalie for his own sake, that was pretty selfish of him yet karma put him to jail, that’s what he gets for being a villain.
Come on give Kenneth a bit of sympathy. I like his acting in this but I like him even more in LTS. He is evil in both but he is doing a pretty good job of it.
I hope you’ll be writing an overall thoughts post on The Other Truth too, K!
just finished the finale… not to pleased with the ending, i think its a bit rushed :L i hope there’s a second series, overall i think this was a good drama but the ending was a little weak—> can’t tavia just make up her mind @.@
I found the bit about Keith’s new pupil called Ceci a little unrealistic… there’s ‘dai C'(Natalie), the secretary and then the new pupil… really??? it seems everyone that goes into that chamber is called Ceci.
I think im really going to miss Ruco’s character and hope i’ll see him playing more lead role in the drama’s coming up
I agree and can’t Tavia just pick between Raymond and Ruco? I understand that her first marriage went out pretty bad but Ruco and Raymond are both good for her and they’ll even sacrifice their lives for her. The ending was like a happy ending and I guess it wrapped up the series okish. And Raymond finally gets to be a barrister at the end, that’s nice
And I think Kenneth’s role in the show is pretty intense. He’s really schemy and sneaky and yet he’s pretty smart as a villain. I’m glad he didn’t play with Natalie’s heart, at least that shows how much Kenneth really loves Natalie. But I guess he deserves to die in the show after what he did to everyone, I don’t know whether to feel bad for him or either feel sorry for him :\.
I also like James (Louis Yuen) and the Madam Miu (Kristal Tin)’s chemistry. It’s a bit rushed in my opinion but they are pretty cute and funny together lol xD. I thought that them getting married was a bit rushed as well. But it was pretty interesting to see how their relationship developed fast.
And I agree, I’m gonna miss Ruco’s character in the show and it turns out he doesn’t turn evil in this show, guess we all are used to the fact that he plays a villain in a lot of shows except this one and Only You. I enjoyed watching him on screen and hopefully he gets another main role again someday
Raymond’s character is pretty bold in this series, he doesn’t really suit as a rich guy character, but I think his character was pretty enjoyable and funny as well. I love the chemistry he has with Tavia, it was exciting to watch and see. So is Ruco and Tavia’s relationship.
Hopefully they can make another series of the Other Truth. Well there might be a chance where they might not have an another series. What I’m looking forward to now is Lives of Omission starring Laughing Gor, I have a good feeling about this show and it’s gonna be a blast with alot of action and romance
Laughing Gor for the win
And I can’t wait to see Bosco on screen again, this is the 3rd time he’s been on screen this year and I;m glad I get to watch a lot of his series 
-I was about ready to punch the screen because of Mavis’ indecisiveness.
-Ending was super rushed. I mean James and Miu just got together in one night and a month(s) later they’re like, ‘Oh! Let’s get married. :3’ O_O
-TVB, second series, please. And please let Mavis decide on someone.
I’ve loved this show and was looking forward to it everyday, but the last episode just kill it. Why didn’t TVB has the courage to decide for Mavis? Tavia and Raymond may be great in other show as couple, but, in TOT, I felt that Wallace character might be just a lil’ too immature for Mavis. Loved to see Keith and Mavis together, they had such good chemistry!
plz put more screen captures for the other truth. i dont watch youtube’s.
I’m a little behind
I’m up to episode 14 now and Ruco is so good-looking. My heart melts every time his face appears. Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating, but I love his character. I’m rooting for him and Tavia. I’m trying to refrain myself from reading the comments about the ending, but I’m not getting a really good feeling about it. Hope to see more of Ruco as the leading man, and hope he keeps his glasses!
`The Other Truth’ is the best series so far for me this year! Love watching it over and over again.
Those that rooted for wallace and mavis is so dumb.Clearly wallace is such an indecisive dude and plays around with girls way too much even if that was the past.He don’t deserve to be with a girl so pure like Mavis.
in this drama (the other truth) tavia & keith sure be together as a couple bcuz in this so both of them is so compatible
I felt the ending ended abruptly.
It was like, life continues and they move on. Other than lucky James (Louis) and Madam Mui getting together (I’m happy for them XD) in the end, the main love triangle get no resolution- how is this an ending? I suppose Wallace and Keith’s apprentice did become barristers in the end..Yea, maybe it was just the love triangle that felt so incomplete ^^ I had a feeling Tavia wasn’t going to end up with either. I’m not sure whether its because Tavia’s character always appears to be so indecisive when it comes to love- That, and also the fact the main focus of the drama isn’t the love plot, but the cases. I just feel that it’s a bit of a waste for her not to pick either of them, and just leave the 2 chasing her. I’m glad that “fei-jai†James found his happiness in the end.
All in all, a good series with some interesting cases. I don’t think this is a series I’ll watch for the 2nd time given its pretty case-driven. I’ll probably just look back and think of those coupley moments between the leads haha