English Title: The Hippocratic Crush (36 Hours On Call)

Cantonese Title: On Call 36 小時

Cast:  Tavia Yeung 楊怡 (飾范子妤), Kenneth Ma 馬國明 (飾張一健),  Him Law 羅仲謙 (飾楊沛聰), Mandy Wong 黃智雯 (飾洪美雪), Benjamin Yuen 袁偉豪 (飾劉炳燦), Candy Chang  張慧雯 (飾簡晶晶), Ben Wong 黃智賢 (飾莊博文), 黃淑儀 (飾黃笑鶯), Derek Kwok, Nathan Ngai, Raymond Cho, Gigi Wong

Episodes: 25

Airing date: 13 Febraury 2012 (Airring after L’escargot)

Executive Producer: Poon Ka Tak

Scriptwriter: Suen Ho Ho

Themesong: 連續劇 by Joey Yung (CD VERSION)**

Official: Website

The Hippocratic Crush

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They experience life and death as they race against time to save patients. In their quest to become physicians, have they ever stopped to think about what their mission and limitations are? Higher Surgical Trainee in Neurosurgery CHEUNG YAT-KIN (Kenneth Ma) does not have time for love – he has to work hard to support his younger brother, who is paralyzed from the waist down, to study overseas. His life is his work, until he meets FAN TZE-YU (Tavia Yeung), who is also a houseman and whose father is a well-known physician. Deeply attracted to KIN’s talent and personality, YUE is not hesitant to express her love for him from the start. But before KIN can make up his mind on whether to accept her, the news of his younger brother’s death comes, causing him to become a totally different person. No one in the hospital including interns YEUNG PUI-CHUNG (Him Law) and HUNG MEI-SUET (Mandy Wong), YU’s younger sister, dares to get close to him. He is at the lowest ebb in life when YUE is diagnosed with a serious illness.

一 群未來準醫生在醫院同歷生老病死,與疾病日夜拚博,為生命爭分奪秒,但他們真正的使命以及可掌握的到底是什麼?即將畢業的神經外科實習醫生張一健(馬國 明)為了讓雙腿癱瘓的弟弟可順利到外國求學,一直專心工作賺錢不碰感情事,直至遇上同樣對醫學充滿熱誠的實習醫生范子妤(楊怡)。子妤是名醫之後,深被一 健的能力與個性吸引,主動向他展開追求攻勢,當一健仍在猶豫之際,弟弟突然離世,一健性情大變,醫院上下甚至一群新來的實習生如楊沛聰(羅仲謙)和子妤的 親妹洪美雪(黃智雯)都對他敬而遠之,就在一健低沉之時,子妤被證實患上重病……

26 Responses to “[New Series]: The Hippocratic Crush”

  • Lala says:

    Ive been watching this the same time it airs in Hong Kong and i have to say i quite like it. So far im not really feeling anything for Tavia’s character.

    I really enjoy Kenneth, Benjamin, Derek and his sons moments seems like great brotherhood.
    Oh and i really enjoy Paisley and Derek moments. Derek seems to be the comic relief in the series 🙂

    Him Law character bugs me. So his a smart kid but didnt have to try and got into med school im sure alot of students that want to go into medicine but cant would be annoyed at him. (there is always that one kid like Him that doesnt try but get good marks in school >_<)
    Mandy, i like her shes a great actress so nothing to complain about her.

    Hopefully it keeps going up! (storyline quality)

    • trish says:

      what software are you using to watch it the same time it airs in hong kong? you’re watching it online live?

      • Lala says:

        I dont watch it live as in exactly the sme time as HK do put maybe a few hours apart as there is a time difference. I go to Azdrama (just google) i have the satilite as well but its one day behind hong kong and since i like this series i cant wait a day lol

        • james says:

          Not a lot of people know about this website. but it is a brilliant website. they upload the shows as soon as it finishes broadcasting in hk.

    • rachell says:

      yaa can you tell me the software or program you’re using to watch it live?:DD

    • James says:

      There are lots of places you can watch it. I always watch it the same time as Hk as well. Try YouTube people upload the videos as soon as it finishes in Hk so you can watch it on the same day.

  • james says:

    i have started to watch this and it seems good so far. i really like kenneth’s character and it seems i havent seen him in ages. i will see how the show develops as it goes on.

  • 'muff says:

    Seems like a good series!
    And because I graduated from a high school where most graduates aim for med, it’s pretty relevant to me LOL I can see what my friends might be doing XD

  • Step says:

    Watching this series recently, to be honest when i watched the TVB promo presentation for this i was that excited or interested in the series. But it turns out to be quiet good,Kenneths role in the series is good , his acting is so much better and has improved. i think this will be a very hectik drama series to watch. cant wait to finish it 🙂

  • KTVB says:

    I watched the first 3 episodes and am enjoying it so far! Much better than “4 in Love” XD I like Kenneth’s character the most; he’s not what Tavia describes him as I and hope to watch their relationship grow!

  • Kimberly says:

    I’m very scared of blood so I’m nervous about watching this series. Is there blood and a lot of graphics?

    • Danette says:

      There’s a couple scenes with needles and stitches, which are primarily the more graphic scenes. Not much blood as far as I can remember…

  • Mui says:

    I am loving this series so far, sadly I am only up to episode 4 because I have to wait for english subs..Also, I’m hooked on the theme song! Hopefully KTVB will have a lyrics post for this song 🙂

  • Ri says:

    Hi K! Will you be doing recaps for this series? I’m enjoying it so far, i like Kenneth’s character the most but everyone else is just as enjoyable. Tavia’s character reminds me of her role in The Other Truth – v elegant and sophisticated. I kinda prefer her in these types of roles. Even the actors playing the young doctors are not too bad, as the new actors cast for these kinda roles are usually really really bad.

    So far so good, hopefully it builds up more as it goes on!

  • karen says:

    Any one find the other houseman Doctor looking feminine? HAHA lolol

    i actually quite like this show so far!

  • Ken says:

    KenYi no feeling , Yi hair ugly same as man

  • Dorothy says:

    Such a good drama! Great start to 2012!

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