November 2014

[New Series]: Overachievers

English Title: Overachievers

[Grand Production- Anniversary Series]

Cantonese Title:  名門暗戰 (ming moon am jin)

Cast: Wayne Lai 黎耀祥,Raymond Wong 黃浩然,Edwin Siu 蕭正楠,Power Chan 陳國邦,Raymond Cho 曹永廉,Nancy Wu 胡定欣,Maggie Shiu 邵美琪,Susanna Kwan 關菊英

Episodes: 30

Airing date:  4 November 2014 – 14 December 2014 (Replacing Tomorrow is Another Day)

Themesong: 真實謊言 True Lies– Susanna Kwan | Sub 1 投降吧 Surrender- Fred Cheng | Sub 2 地方 Place- Fred Cheng

Official: Website

Executive Producer: Law Wing Yin

Scriptwriter: Kwan Chung Ling

TVB Overachievers

Official Synopsis

CHIANG YUEN (Wayne Lai) is determined to establish his own business and surpasses his father CHIANG SHING-TIN (Yueh Hua) so as to take revenge against his father for having kept him in tight control all these years. Despite several setbacks, CHIANG YUEN, with assistance from CHUNG HIU-YEUNG (Raymond Wong), DING MAN-CHI (Nancy Wu), YUEN SIU-TIN (Edwin Siu) and the others, makes a comeback by setting up a mobile application development company, taking a pledge to start a trade war with his father. Ever Since CHIANG YUEN left home, his younger brother CHIANG SING (Raymond Cho) has been thrown on the scrap heap by his father. Taking advantage of it, their step-mother LEE TSAU-PING (Susanna Kwan) pushes her own son CHIANG TSUN (Jason Chan) to become the successor, scheming to take over the group. CHIANG YUEN thereby comes under consecutive attacks from TSAU-PING, fortunately, he gets helps from his ex-girlfriend KWAN FA-LA (Maggie Shiu) and her autistic son KO HING (Fred Cheng) spiritually, which also makes him reflect on his relationship with his father. Seeing that TSAU-PING becomes a turncoat and seeks to covet the business empire that his father has built up for years, CHIANG YUEN secretly joins forces with his younger brother and uncle LEE TSAU-KAN (Power Chan) to strike back. Unexpectedly, his best friend turns his back on him, whereas his rival instead joins his alliance to battle side by side with him, making the situation much more perilous and hard to tell who is ally or foe……

蔣元(黎耀祥)矢志在商界自立門戶,勝過其父親蔣承天(岳華),以報復他多年來的箝制,雖經過連番挫敗,蔣元得到鍾曉陽(黃浩然)、丁漫姿(胡定欣)和袁 小田(蕭正楠)等人相助捲土重來,開創手機程式開發公司,決意與父親展開一場世紀商戰。自蔣元離家後,二弟蔣昇(曹永廉)遭父親投閒置散,繼母李秋萍(關 菊英)趁勢催谷親子蔣進(陳智燊)為集團接班人,更密謀吞併行動,蔣元遭秋萍連番狙擊,幸獲前女友關花拉(邵美琪)與自閉症兒子高興(鄭俊弘)精神上支 持,令蔣元反思與父親的關係,眼見秋萍倒戈相向,謀奪父親建立多年的事業王國,暗中與二弟及舅仔李秋芹(陳國邦)內外聯手發動反擊戰,誰料昔日好友反目成 仇,敵人反成盟友與他並肩作戰,敵我難分的困局處處暗藏殺機……

Synopsis: TVB.com.au

4 Responses to “[New Series]: Overachievers”

  • dongfangguniang says:

    I love this series. the raymond wong and Nancy interaction is amazing they have awesome chemistry and looks so good together. but its sad to know they won’t end up together based on the themesong and all the trailers i watched. It’s great to watch Raymond W. as a baddy again cuz he gets to shine xP love nancy wu here she finally gets a main lead female role instead of a second fiddle role that gets pushed aside by newbies and other people who can’t act. I was also surprised and liked grace and sisley’s acting they are both very natural in acting and can actually speak fluently unlike cough cough (no offense eliza sam). grace actually has a lot of charisma. Sisley was also good and she is a lot prettier than in pictures. Looking forward to each episode! this is a must watch!

    • Kuks says:

      I was also pleasantly surprised by Grace’s acting. I’ve only watched 3 episodes and it seems very comedic compared to the seriousness of the theme song. It’ll probably get heavy soon…

  • WF says:

    When is the song available for download.
    Thank you.

  • […] Airing date: 16 December 2014 – 9 January 2015 (Replacing ‘Overachievers‘) […]

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