English Title: Never Dance Alone

Cantonese Title: 女人俱樂部 (nui yan kui ngok bo)

Cast: Carman Lee 李若彤, Loletta Lee 李麗珍, Fennie Yuen 袁潔瑩, Flora Chan 陳慧珊, Gloria Yip 葉蘊儀, Angie Cheong 張慧儀, Elvina Kong 江欣燕 , Lawrence Ng 吳啟華

Episodes: 32

Airing date: 21 April 2014- 30 May 2014 (after ‘Ruse of Engagement‘)

Themesong: 星斗群 Star Cluster– Shirley Kwan & Mag Lam | Sub- Let’s Dance– Anjaylia Chan, Cheronna Ng, Winki Lai, Venus Wong, Kandy Wong, Annice Wu

Official: Website

Executive Producer: Eric Tsang, Chan Wai Koon

Scriptwriter: Chan Suk Yin, Ma Ka Wai

TVB Never Dance Alone


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Official Synopsis

MO SIU-SZE (Carman Lee) leads an ordinary married life with her husband WONG KWOK-LEUNG (Lawrence Cheng), and is often bullied by her ferocious mother-in-law WONG CHIU WING-MUI (Miu Kam Fung) for no reason.

One day, coincidentally, she spots a leaflet from “Cyndi Dance Studio”, evoking her memories of the good old days in high school. In those days she loved writing and organized “MCLUB” together with the others. They included CHU LEI (Loletta Lee), who was often mocked for her accent, LAW FUNG-SIN (Elvina Kong), who is enthusiastic about dancing, nosy LUK YUEN-CHAU (Fennie Yuen), precocious HUI CHUN-LEI (Angie Cheong) and superstitious LEUNG KAM-YIN (Gloria Yip), all vowing to stay united and never drift apart. However, more than twenty years have passed, the group disbanded and they went their separate ways and they are no more that young. When dreams and reality collide, the only thing left is nostalgia except for FUNG-SIN. She continues to pursue her dreams of dancing. Due to an accident, she is hospitalized, leading to a reunion of her bosom buddies. While striving to safeguard the “Cyndi Dance Studio” for their friend, they run into their archrival, campus belle YUNG DAN-DAN (Flora Chan), whose “D Fitness” turns out to be a formidable foe for the “Cyndi Dance Studio”. With SIU-SZE re-encountering her first love YIU CHI-LUN (Lawrence Ng), CHU LEI reflects on the past ranging from ruining their relationship on the sly to giving birth to her daughter as a result of a premarital pregnancy, and all sorts of feelings well up in CHU LEI’s heart…… Having gone through all these, their vitality, courage, passion and confidence that seemingly disappeared have just been reignited……

巫小詩(李若彤)與黃國樑(鄭丹瑞)過著平淡婚姻生活的,常常受著惡家姑黃趙詠梅(苗金鳳)無理欺壓,一天,偶然在街上看到「鳳仙舞室」一則街招,勾起了段段中學時代的青葱歲月,當年喜歡寫作的她,連同常遭人取笑有鄉音的燦妹朱莉(李麗珍)、熱愛舞蹈的羅鳳仙(江欣燕)、八卦的陸婉秋(袁潔瑩)、早熟的許珍妮(張慧儀)、神婆梁金燕(葉蘊儀)等人組成了「MCLUB」,她們為此許下共同進退,永不分散的約定。可是,當二十多年過去,各散東西,青春不再,昔日的夢想比對今日現實的落差,徒添唏噓。唯獨鳳仙仍對跳舞不離不棄,她意外入院令姊妹重逢,各人為了昔日的情義,合力守護「鳳仙舞室」,但就遇著了當年宿敵校花容丹丹(陳慧珊)經營的「D Fitness」成為「鳳仙舞室」的競爭對手。小詩又重遇初戀情人姚子倫(吳啟華),朱莉為當年暗中破壞二人關係以及未婚懷孕留下的女兒等往事百感交雜……千帆過盡,以為消聲匿跡的活力、勇氣、衝勁和信心再度重燃……

Credit: TVB.com.au

24 Responses to “[New Series]: Never Dance Alone”

  • KTVB says:

    A series with majority of the cast i do not recognise… ^^; I read the synopsis but the series doesn’t appeal to me much. Is anyone else watching this? Any good?

  • h.k says:

    hello ktv u do not know flora chan carmen lee.There famouse back in 80s and 90s.
    Also supergirls are in it.
    My mum might watch this.
    I am waiting for 飛虎II, 再戰明天,太監五虎,天眼 and in particular 使徒行者.

  • benchesandstools says:

    i liked it. and i can say that all can act (decent enough for the story). even the younger counterparts.
    hopefully it’ll get better.
    carman lee ^^

  • KTVB says:

    hehe I ended up giving this series a go and currently up to episode 7! I quite enjoy it actually…the acting is pretty decent and I like watching the younger versions of the ladies as well. The 80s songs are quite catchy as well.

    Looking forward to finding out more of the past and how the ladies now will re-connect their friendship.

    Carmen Lee still looking very pretty *_*

    • KTVB says:

      Finally caught up and up to date with the latest episodes. Lawrence Ng’s character is such a loser (both when young and grown up) haha They both seem like different people though!

      Just watched the episode Eliza found out her new boyfriend was her “Uncle” LOLs Classic reaction! Still waiting for the episode where Eliza and Miss Julie reunite 🙂

      • opium says:

        I can’t wait until Ktvb capture more pictures of carmen lee and lawrence ng. OMG I love them both so much T.T despite of the fact that Carmen is married

        • KTVB says:

          Have you been following my facebook page? 😀 I’ve been posting screencaptures there!! (As I watch along)

          I actually didn’t like Lawrence’s character much until later on when he wasn’t such a whimp lol I guess Flora’s character made him so scared of woman lol

      • opium says:

        KTVB can i make a special request?? I really like Carmen Lee anđ Lawrence together so can you take more pictures of them?

  • DKKK says:

    星斗群 關淑怡 林欣彤 Seng Dau Gwan Kwan Sook Yee Lam Yan Tung

    光 一絲絲 穿透了流螢般的微塵 Kwong/ Yat Si2 Chuin Tau Liew Lau Ying Bo Teik Mei Chan/,
    點點的微塵 埋藏多少怨恨 Dim2 Teik Mei Chan Mai Chong Doh Siew Yuin Han/,
    當撕走舊月份 撕不開命運 不想再受窘 Dong Si Zhau Gau Yuet Fan Si Bat Hoi Ming Wan Bat Seong Zhoi Sau Kwan/

    一圈圈 吹散了昨晚天邊星斗 Yat Huen2 Chui San Liew Zhok Man Thin Bin Seng Dau/,
    煙燒光了卻 模糊多少眼眸 Yin Siew Kwong Liew Keuk Mou Wu Doh Siew Ngan Mau/,
    假使目眩 摯愛在最尾亦徹夜留守 Gar Si Mook Yuin/ Chee Ngoi Zhoi Zhui Mei Yik Chit Yeh Lau Sau/,

    暗格內皺摺著那長裙(舊如黃昏)Ngam Kak Noi Zhau Zip Jeuk Nah Cheung Kwan/( Gau Yu Wong Fun)
    熨過淚印更倔強前行(面前灰暗)Tong Kwo Lui Yan Gang Kwat Keung Chin Hang/( Min Chin Fui Ngam)
    這次遇見絢麗了零晨 Chea Chi Yu Gin Heun Lai Liew Ling San/,
    眼淚笑著流 雨下挽著走 Ngan Lui Siew Jeuk Lau Yu Har Wan Jeuk Zhau/,

    小燈泡般閃爍 伴隨著月色 Siew Dang Pau Bou Sim Lik Bun Chui Jeuk Yuet Sik/,
    倒影光波裡 流動的 Dou Ying Kwong Boh Lui Lau Dung Teik/,
    於漆黑畫布 毫無吝嗇 點綴記憶 Yu Chat Hak Wak Bou Hou Mou Loon Sik /Dim Jeut Kei Yik/,
    風聲急可見 薄雲聚又散 Fung Sing Gap Hor Gin Bok Wan Zhui Yau San/,
    當出走飄泊 流浪間 Dong Chut Zhau Piew Bok Lau Long Gan/,
    孤星終需要 迷途願返 Gu Sing Zhung Shui Yiew Mai Tou Yuin Fan/,
    同步呼吸才耀眼 Tung Bou Fu Kap Choi Yiew Ngan/,

    霎眼渡過了 夜空晦暗(再黑都不怕)Sap Ngan Bou Kwo Liew Yeh Hung Fui Ngam/( Zhoi Hak Dou Bat Pah)
    與歲月競賽 夢想航行(再遠都不怕)Yu Shui Yuet Ging Choi Mung Seong Hong Hang/ (Zhoi Yuin Dou Bat Pah)
    偶爾又退卻 或會離群(能離別嗎?)Ngau Yi Yau Thui Keuk Wak Wui Lei Gwan/ (Nang Lei Bit Mah?)
    不需休假 Bat Shui Yau Kar/,

    粉筆寫滿了 兒時那塊白牆 Fun Bat Seh Moon Liew Yi Si Nah Fai Bat Cheung/,
    今天改變了 遺留多少想像 Kam Thin Goi Bin Liew Wai Lau Doh Siew Seong Jeung/,
    揮手道別 過去就過去 別再度回想 Fai Sau Dou Bit/ Kwo Hui Zhau Kwo Hui Bit Zhoi Dou Wui Seong/

    暗格內皺摺著那長裙(舊如黃昏)Ngam Kak Noi Zhau Zip Jeuk Nah Cheung Kwan/( Gau Yu Wong Fun)
    熨過淚印更倔強前行(日漸灰暗)Tong Kwo Lui Yan Gang Kwat Keung Chin Hang/( Yat Jim Fui Ngam)
    這次遇見絢麗了零晨 Chea Chi Yu Gin Heun Lai Liew Ling San/,
    眼淚笑著流 雨下挽著走 Ngan Lui Siew Jeuk Lau Yu Har Wan Jeuk Zhau/

    晚空 燈泡般閃爍 伴隨著月色 Man Hung Dang Pau Boh Sim Lik Boon Chui Jeuk Yuet Sik/
    倒影波光裡 流動的 Dou Ying Boh Kwong Lui Lau Dung Teik/
    於漆黑畫布 毫無吝嗇 點綴記憶 Yu Chat Hak Wak Bou Hou Mou,Loon Sik/ Dim Jeut Gei Yik/.
    風聲急可見 薄雲聚又散 Fung Sing Gap Hor Gin Bok Wan Zhui Yau San/,
    當出走飄泊 流浪間 Dong Chut Zhau Piew Bok/ Lau Long Gan/,
    前途璀璨 仍要同步呼吸才耀眼 Chin Tou Chui Chan Ying Yiew /Tong Bou Fu Kap Choi Yiew Ngan/,

    霎眼渡過了 夜空晦暗(摸黑追趕吧)Sap Ngan Bou Kwo Liew Yeh Hung Fui Ngam/(Mok Hak Zhui Gon Bah)
    與歲月競賽 夢想航行(更遠都不怕)Yu Shui Yuet Ging Choi Mung Seong Hong Hang/ (Gang Yuin Dou Bat Pah)
    偶爾又退卻 或會離群(能離別嗎?)Ngau Yi Yau Thui Keuk Wak Wui Lei Gwan/ (Nang Lei Bit Mah?)
    不需休假 Bat Shui Yau Kar/,

    聽鳥在叫 晝夜鬥一番 看魚被釣 拼命過一關 Ting Niu Zhoi Kiew Zhau Yeh Dau Yat Fan /Hon Yu Bei Diew Ping Ming Kwo Yat Kwan/,
    碰上路障 去面對分擔 共細味苦澀 抹走冷淡 Pung Seong Lou Jeung Hui Min Dui Fan Dam/Gung Sai Mei Fu Gip Moot Zhau Lang Dam/,

    航行仍未晚 不需給折返 Hong Hang Ying Mei Man Bat/ Bat Shui Kap Jit Fan/,
    應收起嗟嘆 大膽的奢盼 跳出界限 Ying Sau Hei Chea Tan/ Dai Dam Teik Chea Pan Tiew Chui Gai Han/,

    燈泡般閃爍 伴隨著月色 Dang Pau Bou Sim Lik Boon Chui Jeuk Yuet Sik/,
    倒影光波裡 流動的 Dou Ying Boh Kwong Lui/ Lau Dung Teik/
    於漆黑畫布 毫無吝嗇 點綴記憶 Yu Chat Hak Wak Bou Hou Mou,Loon Sik/ Dim Jeut Gei Yik/.
    風聲急可見 薄雲聚又散 Fung Sing Gap Hor Gin Bok Wan Zhui Yau San/,
    當出走飄泊 流浪間 Dong Chut Zhau Piew Bok/ Lau Long Gan/,
    前途璀璨 仍要同步呼吸才耀眼 Chin Tou Chui Chan Ying Yiew /Tong Bou Fu Kap Choi Yiew Ngan/
    (摸黑追趕吧 更遠都不怕 能離別嗎?) Mok Hak Zhui Gon Bah/ Gang Yuin Dou Bat Pah /Nang Lei Bit Mah?/)
    不需休假 Bat Shui Yau Gar/

    不需休假 Bat Shui Yau Gar/

    The End!!

  • shuyi says:

    does anyone knows the english song at the end of episode 25 of Never Dance Alone?

  • jackie says:

    Anyone knows the English song in episode 29 where carmen Lee was driving with Lawrence ng
    ? Song started something like “Monday morning, what a weekend?”

    • Jenny says:

      Im wondering what that song is too. I tried to google the lyrics and cant find anything 😢

  • KTVB says:

    *Contains spoilers*

    Finished watching this series on Monday and have been re-watching scenes from the finale, particularly the dance competition! Watching the part M Club come out on stage, the video clip and Siu Sze (Carman Lee)’s speech was so touching! I thought TVB did a really good job with the finale for this series. It’s a shame Cyndi never got to dance on stage but it was her sickness that made it that much more moving to watch.

    I thought they would make Alan (Lawrence Ng) and Siu Sze (Carman Lee) end up together in the end, but it seems like they wanted Dan Dan (Flora Chan) to have something in the end…

    All in all, it was epic to have the dance competition as the finale. We get to see them finally perform (and also Flora Chan’s performance). I love the song “I will survive”- so catchy!

  • Sasa says:

    Anika Paris – Forever (Naturally)

  • shuyi says:

    Thank you. I found the song by Anika Paris – In Love Again.

  • nicky says:

    Does anyone know that song D fitness dance too in the competition

  • Kiddo says:

    is anyone know the sentimental song which played at episode 5 at the party? it started like “i know my heart…”.please help, thanks.

  • Michelle says:

    I was wondering if anyone could list most of the english songs played in Mclub? There’s this one song I really liked but don’t know the name of it. The part where Venus was on the boat but can’t remember exactly what episode though.

  • nguyen says:

    episode toward the end. what is tge name of that ebglish song. its goes somethinf measure my word

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