April 2009

[New Series]: Just Love II

Title: Just Love II 老婆大人II
Cast: Jessica Hsuan, Sunny Chan, Benz Hui, Joyce Tang, Natalie Tong, Patrick Tang, Selena Li, Johnson Lee, Ken Wong, Rosanne Lui
Episodes: 25
Release date: 4 May 2009
Filmed: May 2008
Producer: Chong Wai Kin
Scriptwriter: Wong Kwok Fai

TVB Just Love II

Shrewish husband V.S. Shrewd wife
A bond between justice and affection

Career-minded magistrate KO HEI MAN (Jessica Hsuan) gains full support from her loyal husband KOT KWOK KWONG (Sunny Chan) so that she is able to concentrate fully on her works. At court, MAN strongly believes that everyone is equal before the law and she tackles every challenge confidently. At home, she never bothers about the household duties which are all taken by husband and any complaints filed by mother-in-law. MAN just takes things for granted but fate continuously to convince her that law cannot be applied to every situation.

MAN feels sympathized with HO SAU SAU (Joyce Tang) who suffers from slight mental disorders. Trying to help, MAN allows her to come into her family but this creates an opportunity for SAU to replace MAN’s role as a wife and a mother completely. KWONG is seriously injured during a car accident. His relative KOT TAK WAN ( Johnson Lee) lectures KWONG how to fight against MAN and this leads to serious communication breakdown between the couple. Swindler HO SHI FU (Benz Hui) appears in MAN’s life as a hopeless villain from the lower class but he is in fact the father of a senior official.

“Just Love II” is a story about law and human nature. How would the couple tide over the difficulties?

老公发飚自辩 老婆执法伺候




15 Responses to “[New Series]: Just Love II”

  • chibi says:

    Oh yay, Jessica XD Haven’t seen her with Joyce in quite a long time.. Hope this is good.

  • FaNNy says:

    haha, i love how joyce is getting a lot of roles in the 2009 series :] i love her acting a lot. i hope she gets more roles. i havent seen jessica in a long time, it’s good that she’s back acting on another series.
    i’m just wondering, does anyone know when a pillowcase of mystery 2 will be out?

  • kinki says:

    I like Joyce too.
    I think she’s one of the few actresses who look great in short hair. ^^

    The ‘baby’ boy looks so big! lol

  • Nicole says:

    yaye Jessica! and Joyce too…i’m really starting to like her acting. although i still don’t understand why this show needs a sequel. O_o

    • KTVB says:

      HAHA! -> “still don’t understand why this show needs a sequel. O_o”

      I agree ^^; it’s not like I watched the prequel before but I heard it was pretty average?

  • Rin says:

    I kinda remember watching the first one years ago.. not sure exactly what I watched but I believe it was.. alright? Haha.
    But I’m glad to see more of Jessica, Joyce, and Johnson 😀
    Not a fan of Sunny and is just me or I’ve been seeing him A LOT this year.. and it’s only been 4 months haha.

    • KTVB says:

      Oh I feel like I’ve seen too much Sunny so far this year too lol

      -Greatness of a Hero
      -Wintermelon Tale
      -Just Love 2

  • TVB_4eva says:

    YEAH! It’s been a while since I saw Jessica.
    OH! OH! OH! And I must admit Johnson did a really good job as BT in Catch Me Now.So I’m looking forward to see him again! XD :]

    But…as far as a good cast, I dont find the storyline that appealing !!! 🙁

    • mandy says:

      I must admit Johnson did a really good job as BT in Catch Me Now.

      ^ this. i agree, BT is my favourite male character so far (:

  • evelyn says:

    Just Love Part 2 is simply better than Part 1, I loved watching Jessica handled the court cases, very professional. I personally enjoyed the series very much.

  • Abby says:

    Is very interesting drama. It is reflecting daily life where a couple should respect each other.. but say easier than done. Sometime need to control the temper not easy…

  • leah says:

    I thought the kid who played Ah B was really cute.

  • Vienne says:

    omg! I just love ah B! ! Such a cute little boy … <3 He is my favourite character! !

  • bubble_teas says:

    I thought Just Love 2 was really disappointing. I liked the first one way better!

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