February 2008

Messages from K!

Hey Everyone! Gong Hei Faat Choi! Wishing everyone a prosperous new year! 2008 welcomes the year of the rat! I can’t believe how fast time flies..especially the 12 year cycle! It’ll be reaching the year of the rabbit in no time XD scary thought lol let’s just take each year as it come, shall we?

Happy Chinese New Year 2008

On another note, in a few days time I’ll be off to Hong Kong and Japan for a two week holiday! ^___^!! yay~!! I’m quite excited about it all! ! I’ll be off very soon 🙂 I hope it’s not freezing over there…! It’ll also be my first trip to Tokyo, Japan. I’ve always been interested in the Japanese Culture and into anime, so I think it’ll be fascinating to see anime come to life ^^ (minus the hair colours etc of course)

As I leave Australia for HongKong, I will be moving away from my TVB episodes from satellite, to TVB on Hong Kong television hehe~ (which is about 2 weeks ahead of what’s been broadcasted in Australia satellite) I don’t know if I’ll be watching it there, but it is always an option. It’s good to take a break though =)

Does this mean there’ll be no updates for the next two weeks? Not quite.. ^^ you’ll have to come back and see for yourself =) However, because of my absence for the next two weeks, it is unlikely that I would be watching The Gentle Crackdown and Wasabi Mon Amour properly. It may be the two series which I’ll skip, and when I get back, The Master of Taichi and The Seventh Day will be releasing soon! *anticipating*

Finally, K for TVB will be having its own domain name soon! As a Chinese New Year present from Chibi (K for TVB’s host from http://moonsticks.org), the name has been bought and registered and is currently under processing. It will be working in a few days time! As a result, will be changed into http://k-tvb.net (nice and short and hopefully easier to remember^^)! Thank you Chibi!! 😀

So stay tuned! Hope you will continue to visit K for TVB and leave comments~ Hear from you all soon! Take care!

15 Responses to “Messages from K!”

  • kinki says:

    Happy Chinese New Year!!! ^,^

    Enjoy your holidays & Have Fun in Japan & Hong Kong!! ^.^

    Remember to show us cool stuff during your trip when you have time!! ^^

    The Master of Taichi & The Seventh Day both seem to be quite interesting in different ways!! So, is TVB gonna air both of those series at the same time?

    Have been anticipating to see Kevin & Niki pairing for some time!! It would be sweet if they could air it during the week of Valentine’s Day! hee~

    Have a fun & safe trip, K! ^0^

  • FaNNy says:

    to K: happy new year!!!! hope you have fun in japan and hk!!! i love anime also!! i cant wait for u to open ur new page!! =] chibi is so nice!!!

  • qing says:

    Happy Chinese New Year! 🙂

  • Serena says:

    Happy Chinese New Year 🙂

  • Happy Chinese New Year!! hope you have a fun holiday =D

  • happy chinese new year K!

  • vee says:

    lucky lucky k ~ 😀 happy cny! i am a big fan of your site]

  • teddieburr says:

    happy new year K! =)

  • vivipoo says:

    hi k!! I’ve been a regular visitor to your site and I must say, good job! Gong hei faat choi!~~ I hope you enjoy your trip, though it would be a shame that you’ll miss out on gentle crackdown. I think its a really good series worth checking out, but thats too bad =\~~ ANYWAY!!


  • qing says:

    have a nice trip K! will miss ur updates :p

  • Think says:

    Happy Chinese New Year K!!!
    Hope you also have fun at your trip. You should watch at least one esp of a TVB series at HK cause i mean its HK. haha

    Enjoy your trip =]

  • Jadedreams says:

    Happy Chinese New Year! Jook Ni Sun Nien Fi Lok! 🙂

    That’s mega awesome you get to visit Japan and HK!! You have to share some pics when you get back and tell us whether HK people are that hard to get a long with hehe…jk jk!

    Congrats on your new domain! Can’t wait to see how your site is going to progress and develop! 🙂

  • hey1! Happy CNY to you too!!!..and are you getting a new browser or soemthing?

  • Happy J says:


  • Summer says:

    KTV ~ wow.. u r going my most fav country.. Japan.. wishing you have a happy and enjoyed trip and HappY Chinese New Yr to u lo.. see u bac soon… and wait for ur story after bac fr HK & Japan… okie.. 🙂

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