Hey guys!! Long time no see and it’s already the end of May- time surely goes by quick! Hope you guys have been well!

For those who have been following me (“Liked” K for TVB) on facebook would probably know more about my recent happenings. I ‘ve been finding myself spending more and more time on facebook and sharing thoughts/comments on the drama’s I’ve been seeing there rather than on twitter or this blog. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I’m abandoning this blog (all my lengthy posts will still be here 🙂 ) but for random comments and convenience (since I use facebook a lot) I do update on facebook more frequently. If you have facebook, please also join us there! If you’re a regular facebook user, you’d find that it’s easier to be notified of my updates there too!

K for TVB on facebook

I feel that I should keep the rest of you updated though 🙂 As you can see from my latest posts, I’ve finished watching “Relic of an Emissary”, one of my favourite dramas of 2011 😀 Instead of writing a review, I intend on breaking it down on separate posts on my thoughts on the characters. I’m quite pleased with Chin Sam Leung and Sam Bo’s blog entries, and hope to put one up for Michael, Joe and possibly Elanne. It feels a bit funny seeing Joe and Michael together in a film and then reflecting how they both came to Sydney last year together! ^^ I wonder who will be coming to this year’s Jade World Carnival….?

There has been a bit of a delay in updating my posts though because I’ve been pretty busy “in real life”- there’s quite a bit going on at the moment. I’m not sure when I’ll get time to sit down and write it all out- hopefully in the coming weeks. I’m also reminded that I still haven’t written up my thoughts on the last batch of “Grace Under Fire” post (another series which I love).
For those who are wondering, I haven’t been following Yes Sir Sorry Sir that closely, but I’ve seen parts on TV while having dinner. Not exactly my type of drama and Mose’s “Lor Sir” annoys me so much *sigh* I was very disappointed to hear it having high ratings (while Relic having low ratings..) It’s a matter of preference though..*shrugs*

I’ve also started watching “My Sister of Eternal Flower”. I love watching Raymond because he’s quite refreshing (haven’t seen him in a while and his role is pretty funny). He has a lot of funny expressions which is light-hearted. Charmaine’s portrayl of “Fa Ga Jie” has high resemblences to Roger’s “Ah Wong”. I’m a bit indifferent about her character. Sometimes she annoys me, while other times I feel sorry for her or think she’s pretty cute. Surprisingly I quite like Toby’s character here (for now anyway XD) and I like watching Toby and Pierre’s interactions. I love seeing when he cares about her so much; but then at other times seemingly harsh towards her. I wonder if the two will end up together again.

On another note – (not related to TVB), I went to see Hotcha when they came to Sydney on 21 May! They sang and danced to three songs 😀 I’m not a Hotcha fan but since they were performing on the night of my birthday I thought it’d be fun to  meet them in person XD They were standing right in front of me lol I also made a recording on my phone, check it out!  But because I was standing so close to them, I couldn’t quite get all of them in XD


3 Responses to “[Message from K] May 2011”

  • Ri says:

    Good to hear from you K! 🙂

    I started watching YSSR because of the 4 main cast but stopped because I was super turned off by Moses’ over-acting. It’s like his CBML character on crack or something, super over the top. That plus the cringeworthy acting of the students was enough for me to call it quits! To be honest, Tavia’s all-too-good character didn’t appeal to me much as well, and I didn’t get far enough to find out much abt Linda or Ron’s character. Too bad because it’s been awhile since we’ve seen Ron (since E.U., i think, for me) and I like him. The story itself was weak, imo, so the finale (the only ep I watched after I stopped) was a bit meh too. I did enjoy the Kenneth Ma cameo tho! Only because I’ve taken a liking to Kenneth since finishing Fistful of Stances hehehe

    On the other hand, I could barely sit thru the first episode of My Sister of Eternal Flower because I really didn’t find Raymond’s spoiled brat role believable! Not to discredit him as an actor, we all know he can act, but maybe because we all know what a good boy he is that him acting as a spoiled brat seemed.. weird. Haha, ok maybe that’s just me. Then I started watching fr ep 9 onwards (when he becomes less of a brat) and I find myself enjoying the show. More for Raymond, than for Charmaine who, like you, I feel indifferent about. Sometimes she’s cute, sometimes it seems like over-acting, sometimes I’m just more preoccupied with some other character. I do think Pierre and Toby look good together, and I think Toby looks great in this series! Her whole look suits her here. Hopefully the storyline is played out well enough to carry the show!

    I’m ready for this batch of shows to pass so other shows can come in, shows that I’m looking forward to hehe like Tavia, Raymond Wong and Ruco Chan’s lawyer series, and the anti-terrorist series Ron and Ruco will be in. And of course Forensic Heroes 3! Feel like watching a “job-themed” show, as you can probably tell haha

    Anyhoos, keep on writing K! Always good to hear and share TVB thoughts with you! 🙂

  • KTVB says:

    Hey Riii 😀

    Yea I didn’t enjoy watching the students either :< I don't see what the type is all about…especially with Cilla. I think the ratings for this series was high because the 4 main casts were in it..but yeh.. I wished Tavia played some other role; Miss Ho's character is rather boring..
    hehe yea I still like Kenneth best in Fistful!!
    Yeah I'm liking My Sister of Eternal Flower more now XD You really have to give credit to Fa Ga Jie for turning him back into a "good boy" lol

    1/3 through the series already! I wonder what else awaits us…

    I'm not really looking forward to any particular series this year. Actually "Sister of Eternal Flower" is one of it, so I'll try enjoy it while's its on now XD

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