Hi guys,

As some of you may have noticed, K-TVB.net’s server was down for most of this week and was not accessible. This was due to excessive bandwidth theft and streaming/hot linking from external sites. As a result, I was forced to delete all songs uploaded on my site. I still haven’t decided whether to close off the download section or if I should even bother to reupload them on a different server. It all comes down to whether it’s worth it. It has been a frustrating week but at least the blog is up and running again 🙂 Thanks chibi for helping out in resolving the issue.

Susanna Kwan, Michael Tse and Joe Ma

Something positive though, I finally saw the ad on TVBJ for this year’s Sydney TVB Jadeworld Carnival!! Susanna Kwan, Michael Tse and Joe Ma will be coming to Sydney!!  It’s due to happen on 11 September 2010 @ Carrs Park- Kogarah (like last year), 11am-4pm.  So Sydney fans, be sure to mark that date on your calender! Looking forward to meet Laughing-Gor and Susanna Kwan ^^

Will be putting up my next set of Growing through life thoughts soon. Stay tuned! 🙂 And Happy Election Day for fellow Aussies lol

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23 Responses to “[Message from K] August 2010”

  • Chibi says:

    Glad the issue is resolved for now! Looking forward to your new posts 😀

  • Savannah says:

    Glad it’s back to normal now! I was wondering what happened 🙁

    btw this is pretty random but are you going to change your layout soon? XD you had your current one for quite a while now ^^”

    • KTVB says:

      hehe I’m looking for a new layout change too, especially with K-TVB.net’s 4th birthday coming up on 10 September 🙂 Hopefully will get something new by then!I’ve had this one for more than a year now XD

  • Sharon says:

    Yup, I also saw the ad and posted on my blog. Are you going to go this year? I’m not sure If I’m should go :/
    At least I know I won’t be going early this time and get autographs… haha lol.

    • KTVB says:

      I’m not sure if I’ll have time but really hoping to go see them- especially Susanna Kwan and Michael Tse- Laughing Gor!! 😀 I have never gone earlier enough to get their autographs (and probably won’t bother this year either) if I decide to go, might just rock up later in the afternoon when they appear and hopefully snap some photos of them from afar.

      I remember you went last year to get Linda and Moses’ autograph- did it scare you off this year? lol I recall people getting quite tired waiting in line for them.

      • Gee says:

        HAHAHA. Yes. The waiting process is so annoying. If feels like in the end you just cbb and wanna leave and go home.
        But i don’t think people is “that” bothered this year seeing all those who experience the long waiting just cbb again. Especially if its in the HOT WEATHER ==”

        • KTVB says:

          Still pretty cold nowadays! Maybe it’ll get warmer by then..3 weeks time!

          The ones coming this year don’t seem to be as popular either but I’m still excited about it haha

          I assume you waited and got autographs last year?

        • Sharon says:

          Haha Yes. It was very annoying. Especially when they said the tickets are ready and everyone full pushes you. I still remember there was this guy that pushed me so much I felt like punching him haha. But I told him off anyway, tho he ignored me… >>”

          But if the people are popular or your fave, then I think people won’t mind lining up again. If it was someone else I like, I might think about going again haha, but def won’t this year. You going to go this year?

      • Chibi says:

        haha I’m kinda tempted to go have a look at them, just to see the real people, even if we don’t get autographs :< I'd be so jealous though, lol.

  • Alec Nguyen says:

    You should have added Interpol 2010 😀

  • Fiona says:

    LOLOL. OMG, Susanna Kwan, Michael Tse, Florence Kwok, and Kenny Wong are coming to Canada…I WISH JOE WERE COMING TOOOOO. Yeah. kinda liked him after Beauty Knows No Pain XDDD

  • Twinstars says:

    just wondering, if anyone know their flight schedule for their arrival tomorrow? plus, their departure too???

    looking forward to anyone’s help as soon as possible…thanks heaps!!! 🙂

  • Twinstars says:

    does anyone know when are they departing sydney airport? is it tomorrow or monday?

    looking forward to anyone’s reply soon!!! thanks heaps!!! 🙂 🙂

    • KTVB says:

      hey Twinstar, did you end up seeing them at the airport? Or go to the jadeworld carnival?

      • Twinstars says:

        yes, i did…and it was a few minutes time…

        they were basically rushing, as their flight were delayed for almost 1 hr & i end up waiting there for almost 1.5 hrs for them to come out…so not much time for us to take photos & sign for us 🙁

        that’s why i’m trying to see if i can get their autographs as well as taking photos with them at departure day…

        do u by any chance know anything/news about their departure??? it won’t be tomorrow right? as i heard that they’re having some autographs session on tomorrow???

        looking forward to hear from you la!!! 🙂

        • KTVB says:

          Oh…I see, that’s a shame. Were there many fans there? I’m not sure when they’re leaving…

        • Twinstars says:

          no, there’s only 3 fans (including myself)…

          if u find out, could u let me know please? as i’m guessing they’re leaving tomorrow at around 2:15pm flight…cathay pacific la…

          looking forward to hear from u la…in the meantime, take care & keep in touch!!! 🙂

  • mitchell says:

    hello tvbj, didnt get to see you guys carefully .thank you for coming to sydney

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