September 2006

[Face to Fate] Episode 16

About 1/2 of the episode was about Raymond and Selena ^^ and the other was about the 3rd warrior they found (white hair who had gone insane and killed his own brother..taken over by evil).

This is probably the episode Raymond and Selena ‘get together ^^’ Raymond is collecting the third item of the seven to his cure and he almost falls down the mountain when Selena saves him in time =) On the way back, they encounter a bunch of thieves and funny enough Selena says ‘let me handle them’ and starts fighting them back (looks like she’s protectiving him xD) but yeh, as Raymond said, that’s pretty much a different side to her, compared to the usual ‘calm, collective person’. The other funny part was when Raymond hit on the the guys’ laughing point and Selena didn’t know and kept slapping him telling him to stop laughing xD XD

After all that, Raymond reckons Selena has recovered and asked her to repay him , closing his eyes and moving his face closer to hers (hahaha..that is so his character XD). Selena kisses him in the cheeks in return and Raymond’s like ‘is that it? At least give me a hug’. He opens up his arms and she hugs him back…that is sooo sweeet ^^ I love that scene!! ~!~  <3

Animated icons created by: Wing
When they go back, Selena’s son has got poisoned..

On the other hand, I think its sorta weird how Tavia’s father is..that fat guy monk..they played father and daughter in the Pillowcase of Mystery as well..but still! XD I wonder what her response would be when/if she finds out…

15 Responses to “[Face to Fate] Episode 16”

  • Carma says:

    What happened to all the episodes before 16?

  • KTVB says:

    I would have loved to do the episodes before 16, but when I decided to make a TVB blog, I was already onto episode 16~ so I started from there.

  • princess minnie (i'm a real princess)` says:

    i freaking miz the episode where nancy flies in the air while Derek was fighting of those baddies from the evil side.

    like my sis says (carma)……..WAT HAPPENS BEFORE EPISODE 16 GODDAME IT!!!!!!!

  • Minx says:

    I wish this was in Viet already. I love your screenshots they are so nice and vivid.

  • RayxTav 4 ever says:

    Why does Selena and Ray have to be together?! Tavia and Raymond is way better.
    In the beginning i thought that they would end up together since Raymond was all teasing her and stuff.

    Does Selena die? How come Raymond was crying in the picture?

    Frankie and Tavia do not match!!!

  • KTVB says:

    Its good that Raymond gets paired up with someone different~ its nice to see a variety ^^

    Raymond is crying in the pic because his brother dies..

    eheh..Frankie and Tavia are ok..

  • weirdgirlX3 says:

    wow i already watched the whole thing….
    well it was and awesome series!!

  • mabel says:

    im suprised this series didnt get high ratings! it was so good

  • Roxanne says:

    This was one of the best TVB shows I’ve ever watched, apart from Eternal Happiness (2002) and some other shows.

  • SongOfDarkness says:

    I’ve watched up to Ep 15 and it’s the best series I’ve watched so far! ^_^ And I love your synopsises of the other eps 😛 Do you think you’ll ever find time to do episodes 1 to 15? Plz plz plz plz plz??? 🙂

    Reply from KTVB: Thanks so much for that lovely comment XD I really won’t have time to do ep 1-15, especially for a series I’ve watching so long ago! Won’t remember the details either. But I do remember loving this series a lot as well!! =D

  • face to fate says:

    I love it when Raymond acts in these scenes. He is so cute

  • Face to Fate???????? says:

    Is the real name face to fate or face to face??????????????????????????

    Reply from KTVB: It is called “Face to Fate“.

  • face to fate?????????? says:

    who thinks raymond lam is cute???????????

  • emma says:

    this is the best series i ever watch,selena and raymond is the cutest couple ever,i wish they are really a couple in real life.and also make face to fate 2

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