Imagine the characters in the series looked liked this, instead of the would look ..just wrong >< {with a few exceptions I suppose..that look quiet similiar in either } Derek Kwok as the assassin –>
Hm..Derek looks a lot older in LWOLAP ~ must be the beard ^^;
Frankie as the Fortune Teller
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[The Herbalist Manual]
Not much of a difference in my except this one looks a bit more dopey xD Ah. When I first saw Frankie in Face to Fate, my first impression was ‘he looks just like his character in Herblist Manual!’ Doesn’t look like he can fight o.o looking back, I like his costume in Face to Fate more ^^
John Chiang as the lead of White Side
Nancy as John’s daughter
[Twins of Brothers]
Raymond as the Doctor
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[Selena in Herbalist Manual]
In herbalist manual ,Frankie Lam’s hat look so much alike with Face to fate, but this was after when frankie became a doctor in an palace. His hat look so much alike, but it has different color
well the series lethal weapons of love and passion got really boring for me….
but the other series are really interesting.
out of all of the girls i like selena
awwww why didnt u make one for tavia yeung?