The english songs used in Triumph in the Skies 2 seem to be quite popular amongst TITS2 fans. Personally I’m not one of them, but for those who are interested- I’ve put up the file for download which contain all the songs listed below I won’t be uploading the individual songs seperately though. Hope […]
*Contains Spoilers* I guess it’s not hard to guess what happens to the characters based on the below screencaptures ^^ I’m happy for Sam and Holiday but I do feel sorry for Jayden. He seems a bit lonely joining the military! This has got to be my favourite scene in the finale- I’ve always been […]
I felt that these episodes were pretty boring. A lot felt like filler episodes, but when I think about it..maybe it’s because I’m not that interested in the characters and relationships anymore. I want to see more Chilam and Myolie moments though, but they were minimal. I’m starting to feel that TITS2 is filled […]
These episodes focused a lot on Ron and Myolie which I didn’t mind at all : ) There were some very sweet scenes between the two and slowly I began to really like this couple. It felt very genuine and it became clear in episode 21 that Ron had feeling for Myolie as well. Did […]
I’m almost half way through the series and I feel that it’s slowly losing its momentum and I’m slightly losing interest in it. I thought episode 16 -17 were quite exciting but this doesn’t mean I fully liked the way it was developed or where the story was heading. Nancy’s story development in episode 18 […]
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These episodes mainly focus on the students at PPP, Fala and Myolie. I felt there was a lot of relationship development between Fala and Francis, while Chilam was pretty much missing in action (except looking cool and flirting with Fala here and there – making the other students think Chilam is giving Fala special treatment). […]
The series continues to be enjoyable 10 episodes in. Chilam and Myolie’s storyline continues to develop and not disappoint. In order to get close to her, Chilam decides to move in as one of her housemates. Seeing Myolie’s dislike for him, her loyal team member “Teddy” (and I believe is also her secret crush) played […]