One of my favourite parts of “Super Snoops” is watching when the characters suddenly break into dancing and singing! It’s quite entertaining XD My two favourite songs are Ella Koon & Johnson Lee’s “Romance I Don’t Know” (爱情I Don’t Know)” and Wong Cho Lam & Christine Kuo’s “Who Made My Heart Go Crazy” (èª°ä»¤ä½ å¿ƒç—´) “. […]
[poll id=”109″] [poll id=”110″] My votes go to: Favourite Couple: Wong Cho Lam & Christine Kuo Favourite Character: Wong Cho Lam- he is soooo adorable in this series XD Aimee’s character is pretty cute here too (I think she has some resemblences to Christine Kuo). I love how her personality changes to frequent and the […]
éžå‡¡å¤¢æƒ³ é‚å‘45周年 Woot!! The Light Switching Ceremony celebrates the beginning of TVB’s Anniversary month leading up to the Awards Ceremony The event occured about 2 weeks ago in Hong Kong which usually focuses on the Anniversary Series. I didn’t think this year’s show particularly stood out- nevertheless, it was an exciting event especially for […]
English Title: Super Snoops Cantonese Title: èƒåŠ ç¦ç¥¿å£½æŽ¢æ¡ˆ (chuen ga fuk luk sau taam on) Cast: Liza Wang, Wong Cho Lam, Louis Yuen, Johnson Lee, Sek Sau, Toby Leung, Christine Kuo, Aimee Chan, Linda Chung, Ella Koon, King Kong, kiki Sheung Episodes: 20 Airing date: 3 October 2011 (Replacing ‘River of Wine’) Official: Website | Purchase […]