It’s finally here! A refreshing new banner for K for TVB! I hope you guys all like it because I do XD All of these scenes are from the opening themevideo of Moonlight Resonance. I wanted to make and use other screencaptures as well but it’s still too early on in the series and I […]
Hi everyone! =D I quite like leaving my own personal messages here on my blog, because I can feel like I’m chatting with you guys I think I’ll post more [Message from K] more frequently ^^ Just to let you guys know what’s on my mind at the moment..there’s just so many things I […]
Hi everyone! How are you all? It has been awhile! I’m glad to be back =) My computer crashing has caused a lot of inconvenience for me, and at the end, I was still not able to recover the screencaps I’ve previously made (and yet to use)…so I guess I’ll have to remake new ones […]
Just a short notice which I left on the tagboard but I thought I’d add it here as well. My computer has recently crashed and it won’t turn on 🙁 My files, episodes and programs are all in there and I’m not sure if they are recoverable :S so for the meantime, my posts will […]
 Just a quick short note for those who might be interested, I’ve been featured in TVB Guide‘s new section: Behind the Scene..XD after a short “interview” with web-mistress TkN ^^; Have a read in your spare time. I myself find the mini biography quite amusing XD Until next time… 🙂 KTVB
Awwww…isn’t this just SO CUTE!!!?? I received this drawing from Chibi today so I thought I’d post it up to share! 😀 Thank you Chibi!!! ^^ I totally LOVE Melissa and Vincent in The Master of Taichi! I hope they end up with each other in the end 🙂 I’m really happy to see all […]
Happy Easter Everyone =) Eat lots of chocolate xD So..what’s been happening with K lately? I hope you have already realised by the regular updates on The Master of Taichi that I’m totally obsessed with the series at the moment XD I’m loving the series heaps and highly recommend it to everyone. I can’t believe […]
Minna-san, Konnichiwa! ^^ Yes, I’m back home at Sydney! (and back online ^^) The trip has been quite fun and I hope to go back to Japan again someday! I feel there are just so many more places to explore in Japan..but all in all, it feels great to be back! ** Home sweet Home!! […]