At the moment I haven’t started watching any new series, so I don’t really have any new thoughts to share ^^; ……BUT! I found this half drafted post sitting around since November last year! XD So I’ve decided to be a good girl and finish it off (have a few from some other older series […]
Hi everyone! *Update* I’ve just made screen-captures for the spoiler in episode 22! As you are all probably aware, I’ve been quite into watching EU (Emergency Unit) for the past few weeks. I have finished the series, yet still have a few more posts I wanna write up for it ^^ Neat yeh? I hope […]
Hey everyone! 😀 How are you all? Just letting you guys know what’s been happening and to answer some of the FAQs. Updates have been less since I’ve started full time work but I do manage to watch an episode of TVB a night which is nice 🙂 hehe for now anyways before I hit […]
Hey everyone 🙂 How have you all been lately? Due to changing circumstances which I’ve mentioned previously, updates will be slower and not as frequent as they used to be. Adding to that, I’ll be starting full time work next week 🙂 I really like to thank all those who have been patiently awaiting for […]
Kung Hei Fat Choy!! The Lunar New year is here!! ^_^ haha, I think its so awesome we get to celebrate New Year twice and for both- there’s a whole different atmosphere and feel to it XD Here I’d like to wish everyone a prosperous new year and may you receive lots and lots of […]
Hey everyone! It has been a long while since I left a message here- how have you all been? =) For the past month, the TVB online community seems kinda quiet. Is it because everyone is busy? Affected by the financial crisis? Or because not many people are interested in the current TVB series which […]
One month ago, K for TVB had a change in layout and it was well liked by its regular visitors 😀 But as we all know, a TVB related banner was delayed due to lack of inspiration and the default banner was left! Finally, the colours from the trailer “The Four” inspired this new banner! […]
Hey everyone! How are you all doing? Its been a while since I left a message so I thought I’d make a small one to keep you all informed on what’s been happening. As you all know I’ve finished watching MR quite a while ago yet I still haven’t completed the summaries/thoughts! I shall try […]