August 2008

[Moonlight Resonance] Episode 4 Thoughts

Raymond promised to buy his sisters’ a set of clothes for her job interview. There were two particular scenes in this episode which really left an impact on me~I loved the scene where Fala went to her job interview with Raymond and the things he translated for her. The story/things she said was so touching […]


August 2008

[Moonlight Resonance] Episode 3 Thoughts

The three other children are introduced, played by Moses Chan, Vincent Wan and Chris Lai Lok Yi. The scene where they first appeared was somewhat amusing where we have Raymond trying to talk to the the three of them and each of them appear to be in their own world. Moses reminds me so much […]


July 2008

[Moonlight Resonance] Episode 2 Thoughts

I have 2 favourite scenes in this episode: One was where the three children- Raymond, Tavia and Fala were communicating with each other through sign language talking about Susanna so  she couldn’t understand them. At first Susanna saw them all giggling so was amused and asked them what they were talking about, but she started […]


July 2008

[Moonlight Resonance] Episode 1 Thoughts

I’m feeling really excited about this series ^^ The first episode was quite  enjoyable. I liked how the characters have been introduced and how the story unfolded. Unlike HOG, the series so far doesn’t have any of the family ‘silly’ exaggerated moments so it’s more of a serious/normal type of drama which I enjoy =) […]

The long awaited and anticipated Moonlight Resonance (aka Heart of Greed 2) is be released in HK 28th July 2008! Yes! KTVB is very excited ^^ Cast: Moses Chan, Raymond Lam, Bosco Wong, Louise Lee Sze Kei, Ha Yu, MichelleYim, Susanna Kwan, Lee Heung Kam, Linda Chung, Tavia Yeung, Kate Tsui, FalaChen, Wayne Lai, Louis […]