November 2006

[Face to Fate] Themesong Lyric Translations

I think this one is harder to translate than the Sub/Ending themesong, but here’s my attempt ^^; It’s half direct translations/half not, but I think the message sorta gets across. Please correct me if I’ve misunderstood something or didn’t translate it properly =) had some help from a friend ^^; This song appears to be […]


November 2006

[Face to Fate] SubThemesong Lyric Translations

As a request for the lyric translation of [Face to Fate], I decided to give it a go at translating the themesong ^^ I had to get some help from some friends lol I’m not so good at it, so please lemme know if I’ve got something wrong ^^ or misunderstood it XD Some are […]


September 2006

[Face to Fate] Opening/Closing Screencaps

I took about 2 hours to make the screenshots and put them up XD Feel free to browse. If you’d like to use a few (e.g for forums) please give us credit and link us. Drop by a message if you do so. Please do not take the lot ~ And no direct linking please~ […]