July 2008

[Love Exchange] Favourite Pairing

Vote for your favourite pairing! [poll id=”14″] I voted for Lap Tin and Anita simply because I think the two look the best together and I like watching their interaction with each other. To half way through the series, the two still appeared more like friends than lovers and I did find my interest turn […]


July 2008

[Love Exchange] Episode 9-10

Anita finds out Krystal and Power’s affair and she starts going crazy. She doesn’t know what to do so tells Michael about her findings and asks him for advice whether she should talk to Krystal about it. Michael told her that she should mind her own business but Anita just couldn’t do nothing and ignore […]


July 2008

[Love Exchange] Episode 6-8

These episodes focus on Krystal and Power’s characters and slowly reveals to us about their affair. I was actually quite shocked for some odd reason. I should have known from seeing the theme video XD Somehow I find them quite interesting to watch since not much was happening with the main couple.  I don’t particularly […]


July 2008

[Love Exchange] Episode 4-5

Michael’s sister in-law returns from America and she seems to have grudges against him. Michael told Anita that their relationship used to be really good but after she returned, he doesn’t understand why she didn’t go find him. It turns out she hated him because she felt that he took his sister away from her […]


July 2008

[Message from K]

Hi everyone! =D I quite like leaving my own personal messages here on my blog, because I can feel like I’m chatting with you guys haha..so I think I’ll post more [Message from K] more frequently ^^ Just to let you guys know what’s on my mind at the moment..there’s just so many things I […]


July 2008

[Love Exchange] Episode 3

Anita wakes up in hospital where Michael tells her that the people found her fainted at the office. Anita gets so scared from seeing the ghost that she thought about quitting her job, but later decides to stay because she needed the money. For Anita’s safety, and the fact he thinks Dick’s death might have […]

Simply the two series airing at the same time, which series do you like better?  Storyline wise, character wise..which are you addicted to more and why? Personally I think both series are ok. The two have really nice themesongs too. I have always anticipated Love Exchange over Speech of Silence and I prefer the cast […]


July 2008

[Love Exchange] Episode 2

It turns out Michael had used Anita as part of his plan to lure out the man. He previously leaked out information on the internet about Dick’s USB containing important data. Anita was more angry when she found out he had planned it and decided to risk putting her in danger. Michael had given Anita […]