The movie trailer for Laughing Gor Movie 2 (a continuance of TVB Series Lives of Omission) was released earlier this week! The ending of the series was left open to allow a movie to be possible. Although the trailer doesn’t disclose too much, I’m a bit excited to see what they have to offer XD  […]


September 2011

[Lives of Omission] Ending Thoughts

*Contains: Ending Spoilers* Just finished watching the series! I didn’t find the finale that exciting..I’m not sure whether it’s because they showed us the episode preview the night before and it had most of the spoilers; or if it was predictable, usual typical kind of the ending. There were also a lot of flashbacks which […]


August 2011

[Lives of Omission] Favourite Couple Poll

[poll id=”106″]  


July 2011

[New Series]: Lives of Omission

English Title: Lives of Omission (aka. Laughing-Gor Series / Saluting Laughing- Sir) Cantonese Title: 潛行狙擊 (chim haan jui gik) Cast: Michael Tse 謝天華, Bosco Wong 黃宗澤, Damian Lau 劉松仁, Fala Chen 陳法拉, Kate Tsui 徐子珊, Elena Kong 江美儀, Derek Kwok 郭政鴻, MC Jin, Mandy Wong, Ben Wong Episodes: 30 Airing date: 1 August 2011 (Airring […]


November 2009

[Laughing Gor] Movie DVD + Screencaptures

The Laughing Gor Movie DVD is out for those interested =) Excerpt from YesAsia: When Michael Tse’s popular undercover cop character Laughing Gor was killed off in the 2009 TVB police drama E.U., fans mourned his death with online memorial services and a creative outpouring of grief. This unprecedented show of support led TVB to […]


August 2009

[Poll] Laughing Gor Movie

Overview and Thoughts *Contains some spoilers* I went to see the movie last night and thought it was pretty cool!! Haven’ t seen a HK movie in Aussie cinemas for a long time. I went up to the counter and I’m like..”I’d like tickets to ‘Laughing- gor” (It sounded a bit awkward lol!! Would have […]

This is the official movie trailer for Laughing’s Movie!! I think it looks great! The cast looks awesome and storyline looks promising!! It really does feel like a movie with Anthony Wong, Eric Tsang etc in it. I also heard that Wayne has been given a large role in it with short notice due to […]


April 2009

[EU] Laughing-gor Movie!

我剛上完陳生o既節目《志雲飯局》,有一個新鮮熱辣o既事要同大家宣布,因為你o地公司正式同我簽約,開拍Laughing哥電影版,呢部係第一部邵氏與 TVB合作o既電影。我都係剛才先知道,非常特然!!!好開心!!而加都仲未冷靜到,但係我要第一時間通知大家,多謝大家,因為你o地Laughing哥先可以咁成功,多謝大家!!我會繼續努力!! “After attending Mr Chan’s programme “Be My Guest”, I have a fresh exciting news I have to announce to everyone. Because of you guys, the company officially signed a contract with me, to film Laughing-gor movie! This is the first movie where _ is collaborating with TVB . I just found out just […]