July 2007

[Heart of Greed] Episode 9-11

Today I spent about 3 hours watching episodes 9, 10 and 11 of Heart of Greed, since I missed these episodes. Its sort of funny watching it now that I’ve finished the series, its like watching backwards to fill in the gap. At these points, Susanna hasn’t turned crazily evil yet and seems to be […]


June 2007

[Heart of Greed] Raining Tears of Joy

Rain is symbolic. There can be negative connotations associated with sadness and tears, but they can also represent happiness in other ways. I always find rain to be a nice touch in TVB drama even though they use the idea a lot, especially in romantic scenes. In Heart of Greed, rain has been used to […]

Moses’ character Dak Dak Dei has lots of funny expressions throughout the series but I decided to make some screencaptures from episode 36 of him because I particularly liked the scene especially the part where they were trying to find a name for Tavia’s baby. Their ideas are hilarious XD I thought this scene was […]


June 2007

[Heart of Greed] Moments of Comparisons

The Car Accident Scenes Episode 36 While in a taxi after talking to Raymond, Linda finds out that a car accident has occurred because the person drove on red light. Linda gets really scared, thinking it was Raymond who has always missed red lights when he is too involved thinking about the court cases. She […]


June 2007

[Heart of Greed] Episode 37

Another really sad episode… feel so sad for Linda..especially the part where she got to the hospital. She was in denial and tried to convince everyone, but really herself, that there must of been some mistake because Raymond had called her after the accident time had taken place… I had really hoped that Linda was […]


June 2007

[Heart of Greed] Scene in Episode 1

Did I accidentally skip this scene, or was this part played in episode 1 not reused ” 5 years later”? I was waiting for this scene to come but I don’t think it ever happened.. I’ve seen series, like Heart of Greed, where they show a bit at the front, and then they go back […]

Warning: Ending Spoiler!! [All my posts contain spoilers, but this is the ending, so an extra warning message ^__^] Just watched the last episode so I decided to put up a quick blog entry! (then have to sneak back to my studying XD) I like the ending of the series ^^ Its a really happy […]


June 2007

[Heart of Greed] Episode 36

**Major Spoiler Ahead! Look at your own risk!*** While I watched this episode, I already knew Alfred was going to die in a car accident (from opening themevideo, episode preview and thanks to someone who spoilt it for me before I even started the series *cough*Metal*cough* -__-. I guess having this thought in mind I […]