所謂理想 (Themesong to TVB Growing Through Life) “So Called Ideals”– Raymond Lam chang    ging    gon    bat    seung        ji    lap    sam    gon    seung 曾    經    趕    不    上        至    立    心    趕    上 mai    sat    jung    jau    gwoh        choi    ying    ching    fong    heung 迷    失    中    走    過        才    認    清    方   […]

Warning: Ending Spoiler!! [All my posts contain spoilers, but this is the ending, so an extra warning message ^__^] Raymond and Lai Ging finally get together in episode 26 =) These two are a fun bickering couple and I found it cute how even though Lai Ging said she wouldn’t bother him again, she’d always […]


September 2010

[Growing Through Life] Episode 21-25 Scribbles

As I am really busy during this period and do not have enough time to spend on this blog, I’ll be jotting down my thoughts on the TVB series as quick scribbles. This will ensure you’ll get more regular updates from me Apologies for the draft-ness of my upcoming posts. Hope you guys enjoy what […]


September 2010

[Growing Through Life] Episode 16-20 Scribbles

*Posted edited for inclusion of Episode 20 Thoughts* 2/3 way through the series already! I can just feel all the “drama” building up and about to KABOOM and explode lol A lot happened during these episodes. There was a lot of focus on Bosco, Toby and Cecilia. Shortly after Bosco started pursuing Toby, she gets […]


August 2010

[Growing Through Life] Polls

[poll id=”83″] [poll id=”82″] There’s like a huge one-sided love circle going on lol Song Wen Fei & Toby -> Bosco -> Ziqi -> Raymond -> Song Wen Fei ->


August 2010

[Growing Through Life] Episode 11-15 Scribbles

As I am really busy during this period and do not have enough time to spend on this blog, I’ll be jotting down my thoughts on the TVB series as quick scribbles. This will ensure you’ll get more regular updates from me Apologies for the draft-ness of my upcoming posts. Hope you guys enjoy what […]


August 2010

[Growing Through Life] Episode 6-10 Scribbles

As I am really busy during this period and do not have enough time to spend on this blog, I’ll be jotting down my thoughts on the TVB series as quick scribbles. This will ensure you’ll get more regular updates from me 🙂 Apologies for the draft-ness of my upcoming posts. Hope you guys enjoy […]


August 2010

[Growing Through Life] Episode 1-5 Scribbles

As I am really busy during this period and do not have enough time to spend on this blog, I’ll be jotting down my thoughts on the TVB series as quick scribbles. This will ensure you’ll get more regular updates from me 🙂 Apologies for the draft-ness of my upcoming posts. Hope you guys enjoy […]