October 2006

Thanks for the 2000+ Hits ^^

This blog has been up for about 1 month now. Really happy to see it has reached 2000 hits ^^ Thanks for your support!~ Thanks ChibiJen for the above gift! Its so cuuuuute =3 Yay! Face to Fate ^___^


October 2006

[Face to Fate] More findings

Some more stuff on youtube: Behind the Scenes~ Nancy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q97F79NaotY Frankie/Tavia/Raymond: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBTgNotMNUM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DW-nrLi59zA Frankie and Tavia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1Bj7tqY7QA The Cast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbf9XWGXims http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksLwvHsNWoI


October 2006

[Face to Fate] After thoughts…

Raymond saved Tavia a few times in the series, and Ray said Tavia can repay him in one go in the future, but it was never shown. I think it would have been interesting to what it was ^^ How did Frankie have one of Tavia’s pins he dropped? It can’t possibly be the one […]


September 2006

[Face to Fate] Episode 29

And the battle begins!! It was an intense episode; it also seemed like Raymond had the upper hand because he understood Frankie too well. The whole way I was rooting for the White Side (like the white side heaps more after John Chiang’s character has left lol, I like the competitiors too). The way Raymond […]


September 2006

[Face to Fate] Episode 28

This episode was soo goood xD !! Heaps happened and it was moving at a fast pace. The truth finally comes out with John Chiang being the traitor *yay*. All secrets are out (can’t think of any that hasn’t come out yet) Frankie’s innocence is finally proven =) Gotta say, when Frankie was discussing with […]


September 2006

[Face to Fate] Episode 27

Not sure whether my eyes were playing tricks, but I thought I saw Raymond’s picture change from the beginning of the theme video- gotta see the repeat to clarify lol When Raymond started talking to the unconscious Selena, I suddenly felt his old-self back again, just seems to show his caring side for Selena..but Raymond […]


September 2006

[Face to Fate] Episode 26

awww….feel so bad for Selena’s character T__T and Raymond!! Those teary eyes when he saw Selena..totured her to…ay…how cruel are those people!!! >< So evil..and they call themselves "the good/white" people... *shakes head in disgrace* happens all the time...sometimes, the so-called "good" are more evil than the "bad" .. Raymond eventually joins the evil side […]


September 2006

[Face to Fate] Opening/Closing Screencaps

I took about 2 hours to make the screenshots and put them up XD Feel free to browse. If you’d like to use a few (e.g for forums) please give us credit and link us. Drop by a message if you do so. Please do not take the lot ~ And no direct linking please~ […]