I just finished watching Beyond the Realm of Conscience episodes 4- 6 and I’m happy to say- wow! It is completely mind blowing!! After completing episode 6, I’m not surprised it peaked at 41 points in HK. This episode rivaled many TVB finales! There were many moments which left me teary, in suspense, and extremely […]

Who put candle wax on the hair pin, which caused Krystal’s death? Was it Susanna or Michelle? *suspense* *Do not read further if you don’t want to know!* Only kidding. Please do continue reading 🙂 The answer is revealed to us in the first few minutes of the episode. Shown in a flashback, when young […]

Hi everyone! My name is Chibi and this is my first episode guest entry here at K-TVB.net. While KTVB will be bringing to you everything [Born Rich] between studying, I’ll be covering [Beyond the Realm of Conscience]. So, let’s get started 🙂 I finally sit down and start watching the TVB Grand Production [Beyond the […]

Here are screen captures for the opening of [Beyond the Realm of Conscience]. It’s quite a beautifully crafted sequence. As usual, if you’d like to use a few (e.g for forums) please credit K-TVB.net and link to us. Please do not take the lot 🙂 Enjoy!

Hey everyone! I can’t believe it’s October already! Hope all has been well ^^ As some of you may have noticed, the post below for Beyond the Realm of Conscience Lyric Translations was made by chibi ^_^ That marks her debut blog entry on K for TVB!  She will be a guest blogger on K-tvb.net, […]

Palace Scheming (Beyond the Realm of Conscience Themesong) English translations by Chibi Please credit K-TVB.net if reposted. Pledge undergoes a society’s transformation Good and evil unreported eventually pays a price Equal step shocks the world Silk as like mirror assembles like a painting Appearance like snow, does not taint delicate sand, please stay behind If […]

Title: Beyond the Realm of Conscience 宫心计 Cast: Charmaine Sheh (佘诗曼), Tavia Yeung (杨怡), Moses Chan (陈豪), Kevin Cheng (郑嘉颖), Michelle Yim (米雪), Susanna Kwan (关菊英), Selena Li (李诗韵), Mary Hon (韩马利) Episodes: 33 Release date: 19 October 2009 ( HK) Producer: Mui Siu Ching Scriptwriter: Kar Wai Nam & Choi Ting Ting Themsongs: Susanna […]