Oh goodness..only two more episodes to go!! Without a doubt this episode was packed with action and drama..including some horrifying ones too >_<. By the end of this episode, I’m clearly behind Charmaine and will be rooting for her until the end. Tavia has become so unbearable to watch, and has become quite boring to be honest. Her character isn’t dynamic enough and seems to be pretty predictable, using the same tactics over and over. What has really gotten to me though is her constant thought of taking people’s lives without hesitation. Her inhumane morals are despicable!

Ready for Episode 31 synopsis? 😉

Tavia tells a fragile, bed-ridden Selena that she’s here to take her baby away! Selena looks confused and asks where her maid is, to which Tavia replies she’s already dead. Selena becomes nervous but calmly asks for an explanation. AHHH!!  How can she still not get the hint Tavia is here to kill her???? >__<!!! Tavia blatantly tells her to her face how much she loathes her and Selena apologises for her behavior, saying it’s all in the past. It’s sad to think she trusted her so much to find the reality too hard to believe. Selena still doesn’t understand the life threatening situation she is in >_<!!

Tavia kills Selena

Tavia takes Selena’s life away

Tavia shows Selena her true colors, revealing all the bad things she has done to her, including pulling the necklace apart to make her fall, wearing fragrances to rid her baby and plotting against Yi Kei which caused her death! I felt soooo sad and scared for Selena, who was so helpless and weak since no one was here to help her. Upon hearing the truth, she insists on reporting it to Moses… talk about naive.. Tavia along with Yoyo hold her down, forcing the liquid down her throat as she desperately cries for help….. but alas, her words were never heard. AHHH HORRIBLE!!! Selena’s life was taken away along with the baby… so so sad. It was only a matter of time before this happened, as blabbing out the truth is a good indicator you won’t get the chance to tell anyone else ><!! Truly a horrifying scene.

Moses soon finds out the devastating news and immediately sends people to investigate on her death. However, a traumatized Mary walks in, saying it’s not necessary. She admits it was her decision to rid Selena’s baby, because she knew Kwok Lun’s plan and doesn’t want Moses to die! If Mary had to sacrifice her own life for Moses she would without hesitation 🙁 I feel awful for Mary… it was all part of Tavia’s scheme and now she has to suffer the burden and guilt, thinking it was her fault her grandchild is dead, along with Selena 🙁

Mary takes all the blame and burden

Moses finds out it was Mary’s decision to rid Selena’s baby

Moses is extremely upset, but cannot do anything about it since Mary is his mother, and only did it out of love (And of course, Tavia is not mentioned at all so she gets no blame what-so-ever). I can’t help but wonder if Selena’s baby’s death was really Tavia’s fault, or if it really was Mary’s decision in the end. What’s certain though is that Selena may have been able to survive. Who do you think is ultimately responsible for Selena’s baby’s death?

When alone, Moses thinks back of the happy times spent with Selena. Although Moses never truly loved Selena in a passionate way, she was kind-hearted and sweet (well, she eventually became that way).

Meanwhile, Kwok Keung’s protection charm breaks in half.. a sign of Selena’s departure..or a foreshadow of his own demise? >__<! Kevin attempts to escape with Kwok Keung from Kwok Lun’s guards and meets up with his own little army. Unfortunately, Kwok Lun’s men soon come after them and they engage in a fierce battle! Kevin’s army was outnumbered and soon they are all killed leaving Kevin injured and on the brink of a cliff. Left without a choice, Kevin jumps off the cliff and is never seen again O_____O!! Kwok Keung was hidden in a cart, covered by the bushes…I really hope they make it back alive 🙁

Back in the Palace, Moses breaks the devastating news to Charmaine who becomes overwhelmed with sorrow, pouring her heart out. She is in denial and refuses to believe Kevin is dead, not until they discover his body…aww.

Kevin jumps off the cliff

Kevin jumps off the cliff, Moses prepares for the worst

Just when Charmaine has so much on her mind, more trouble arises for her when the entire House of Proceedings are called upon in front of Mary! Kwok Lun allegedly found evidence that someone has been stealing medical ingredients to make a soup tailored for pregnant women. He has reasons to suspect someone is having an affair, and point fingers at Charmaine! How did he know? All part of Tavia’s doing.. When Charmaine is left without any choice, she comes forward and admits it is true! This completely shocks everyone and Mary’s heart sinks…She was already so upset over Selena’s death and now Charmaine? How can she find the heart to punish the one she favours the most? Tavia does little to help (since it was part of her plan to kill Charmaine), while Michelle and the others beg for forgiveness. Mary is torn between doing what her heart says, and acting on what she should do. She becomes speechless when Kwok Lun pushes her to sentence Charmaine to her death.

Luckily just at the climax, Moses yells “Who dares to kill my son?!” as he make his grand appearance 😀 😀 😀 Moses comes to the rescue, self proclaiming Charmaine’s child is his. He will also officially take her as his concubine! Phhewwwwww…Charmaine is saved!! yaaaaayyyy (Though I think we all saw this coming, didn’t we? XD)

It was amusing when Kwok Lun insists they investigate the pregnancy further, and Moses tells him he knows what he has done, lol XD.

Moses takes Charmaine as his concubine

Moses claims to be the father of Charmaine’s baby

Tavia believed it was true, thinking Charmaine really slept with Moses behind her back disregarding her feelings. Oh well, we’re used to seeing cranky Tavia XD. Since when is Tavia not angry at Charmaine? Seriously, it’s getting quite boring for me to actually write “She is pissed off” lol. Tavia’s misunderstanding of Charmaine just keeps getting worse and worse..and to a extent, Tavia brought it upon herself.

In order to deal with Kwok Lun, Moses must leave the Palace on a mission, leaving Tavia and Charmaine to look after his ill mother. Tavia embraces this opportunity to dominate and seek revenge on everyone she wants to. Just as she was walking around the Palace with Yoyo, she hears Susanna confess to Vin that she and Kwok Keung are his biological parents!! Oh craaaaaaappppp!! Susanna is caught on the spot, and the secret is exposed to everyone!

Because Mary is recovering, Tavia insists on being in charge of all Head of Proceeding matters- including punishing Susanna for her crime! ahhhhh!! It looks like another sticky situation to get out of- talk about suspense!!  Susanna denies the accusation, despite Tavia hearing it with her very own ears. Just when Tavia orders to use corporal punishment, Charmaine steps in as the concubine!

Susanna and Vin's relationship exposed

Susanna and Vin’s relationship exposed

The two start exchanging verbal arguments, with Charmaine insisting to be involved with the hearing and Tavia denying her the authority. Tavia attacks Susanna while Charmaine defends her, objecting every point she makes. Just as the heated argument is getting no where, Michelle suggest for them to do a simple blood test, which would determine everything!! O___O Charmaine and Susanna are both horrified knowing their secret will be revealed!! Tavia successfully tests them.. but much to everyone’s surprise..the test came out negative!!!

PHEWWW!!..but WHAAT? How can this be?

Click here to read Episode 32-33 (Finale) Synopsis >>

OMG HOW EXCITING!! What do you think of Episode 31? Which was your favourite scene and who do you feel sorry for most? Drop a comment and share your thoughts! We would love to hear what you think.

Please refrain from posting spoilers beyond episode 31. Thank you.

39 Responses to “[Beyond the Realm of Conscience] Episode 31”

  • Jellybean says:

    This episode was one of my favourites. I loved the part where moses comes out and claims that the child is his.very manly.
    we finally get to see the strong part of charmine and not the weak and helpless one which is sometimes rather boring to watch.
    I liked the twist on susanna and vin’s relationship. Very unexpected.
    I really pity mary she is like stuck between her son and her grandchild. It’s not really her fault don’t all mothers want their best for their childeren?
    good wokr chibi!

    • chibi says:

      Thanks for your comment Jellybean 😀 (I think this is your first comment on K-TVB.net?)

      I totally agree with the manly part..Moses is sooo charming XD XD *goes into lala land* XD

      I liked the twist on susanna and vin’s relationship. Very unexpected.

      That sure was a twist!! Very surprising..not sure if I like it though XD

  • cooldudejohn says:

    Ok, you’re right cause it wastes my energy to write “Tavia is pissing me off!”. So it was nice seeing Moses say “You want to kill my son?” Now that’s what I call a man! It was sad to see Selena die that way, I mean, see did turn good in the end… Nice to see Charmaine finally standing up for everyone and not being so naive… Loved that crying scene where Charmaine was like on the ground and hugging a pole, so touching. Where was I? Right, Tavia can be associated with three words. Evil, cold-blooded and, did I say evil? “I’m going to kill everyone cause i want to!” Nice, Tavia doesn’t have a point to life but to kill everyone she doesn’t like. So happy to see that the summaries are nearing to an end, well not really cause then I can’t keep checking for updates! Keep up the good work!

    p.s. I don’t know how you write summaries cause I’m just tired after writing this much!

    • chibi says:

      It was sad to see Selena die that way, I mean, see did turn good in the end…

      I felt really bad for her and was sad that she got killed that way, but it still doesn’t make me like her character much due to poor development. She changed pretty much overnight into this sweet little innocent angel. I’m not really convinced.. The fact they made her SO NAIVE even when it’s obvious Tavia was here to kill her makes her kinda annoying.. ~_~

      Nice to see Charmaine finally standing up for everyone and not being so naive…
      Charmaine has always stood up for everyone xD This time she’s left soft towards Tavia.

      So happy to see that the summaries are nearing to an end, well not really cause then I can’t keep checking for updates! Keep up the good work!

      Thanks so much for always reading and sharing your thoughts :D!

  • engsamnang says:

    This episode obtain the strong situation of relevant.Climate initiate to increase its power to add more intense and potential for more attention. Verg glad for a new side of charmaine expose, certain a refreshing mood for her begin more realistic in her confrontation to obsctale for resolution and fortunate. Revive the similar way i sympathize with my favourite ‘Bo Kei’ in rosy business, I thought Sam ho will be more likable and awsame if the script gain more logically developed to her charactor, just like that task. I believe you now chibi, I lack those feelin to Gam ling since the previous episode. She ‘s too cruel to exist and rather pointess to get excessive people to trouble. She almost that petty to recycle her trick over and over, again and again to plotting. I don’t mind Tavia’s acting which stood still perfect since the beginning but her personality deem extreme evil and careless to consequences.Glad Sam ho will fight against her in more hard scene. Pls Drove her insane writer. It more and more greater than kept her death. This bitch is drunk of veneration and hatred. She must crazy with it.

    Selena’s acting potray so naturally and persude me to pity her so hard. Her scream and struggle move along so bad but end up death waste of her tiredness for some assistance. Just telling you something about my local belief, her lady who died with her child inside her body will come back as a deadful spirit for malice and revenge. If the drama share something like superstition, return selena from death and killed that dumb Tavia. I hate you now Gam ling.:D
    Touching to watch moses claim he is Sam ho’s father as it is the only tactic to save her. Nice one!! and finally leave some unexpectful and unpredictable to Susanna’s biological son, Vin is not true. great moment then. Promising for next post.

    • chibi says:

      Verg glad for a new side of charmaine expose, certain a refreshing mood for her begin more realistic in her confrontation to obsctale for resolution and fortunate.

      LOL. About time..isn’t it? xD I didn’t think she would be Moses’s concubine at the 3rd last episode!!

      I don’t mind Tavia’s acting which stood still perfect since the beginning but her personality deem extreme evil and careless to consequences.

      TVB just felt the need to make her more evil to juxtapose with the goddess Charmaine.. which becomes a bit silly if you think about it. Oh..how did Tavia turn out like this?

      If the drama share something like superstition, return selena from death and killed that dumb Tavia. I hate you now Gam ling.:D

      err..no. No matter how superstitious, the dead can only haunt the living..not come back and kill them XD lol

  • *xueling* says:

    Selena died T.T I thought that tavia had a heart of tar.
    I can’t believe that selena was so stupid, “I willl report this to mary” I was like, are you so naive, hello? Well, obviously she was since she didn’t acknowledge the whole gravity of the situation, and still apologised to tavia for what she did in the past. ._. I wanted to ask who she learned her naiveity from, but then i realised that kwok keung took a long time to see that kwok lun was evil. Maybe from her father. >susanna+kwok keung+vin.

    It was nice to see michelle adopt this stance of sabotaging susanna and vin, much to the horror of susanna, charmaine and vin. (we forget that vin is her godson) And michelle was so cool, as if she had no intention to save them or something.She told susanna to shut up! ( i bet audiences were wondering what possessed her to do that, but she’s smarter than that) Though, i agree that it was such a relief to not see human casualties. But i didn’t really like the plot twist, though unexpected.

    You can imagine how infinitely pissed i was at the end of episode 30. People support charmaine, because she’s good, even though so unbelievable. Others support tavia, because, well…
    I don’t mind if kevin died or something, because his presence is so useless in the show.
    I support neither of them, i would be fine if the show didn’t have the two of them, for me. I support susanna+kwok keung+michelle+ram+vin (because of his relationship with the other 4). I couldn’t care much what happened to the rest of them, seriously. But they just had to make the ending dimmer and dimmer. Nooo!

    • 'Muff says:

      Actually, when watching, I was thinking Michelle maybe had a plan up her sleeve… somehow! I thought she would be the one pricking the blood and she’d prick her own secretly or something, or maybe she would prepare the water and then add something to it so that it’d change the properties of the blood… probably impossible, but somehow. 😀

      But then it was Yoyo doing that stuff, so I thought, “Hmm, what’s going to happen now :O”

      And it actually didn’t seem like a ‘shut up’ to Susanna, but more of a warning to not say too much until the results are clear – because Susanna almost blabbed that she was responsible!

      But the twist was unexpected for me, too.

      • *xueling* says:

        All along i thought that they were really related and michelle had a plan up her sleeve or something. I personally thought that she was going to use her own blood or something, because we do know full well that she isn’t related to vin by blood. so using her own blood would have worked. But then when yoyo was the one doing that, i wondered how she was going to get out of the fix.

        But when michelle told susanna not to blab too much, it sounded more like a ‘shut up’ to me, but maybe that’s the dubbing. I figured that things were actually not what they seemed, and she knew something that both susanna and vin didn’t

        • chibi says:

          I figured that things were actually not what they seemed, and she knew something that both susanna and vin didn’t

          uhuh. The “shut up” part made me realise she had a plan… and I was just sitting there thinking, ‘my goodness..don’t tell me…they’re not actually…?’

          Man what a suspense!!

      • chibi says:

        I was thinking Michelle maybe had a plan up her sleeve… somehow! I thought she would be the one pricking the blood and she’d prick her own secretly or something, or maybe she would prepare the water and then add something to it so that it’d change the properties of the blood… probably impossible, but somehow.

        I was thinking the same thing!!

    • chibi says:

      I wanted to ask who she learned her naiveity from, but then i realised that kwok keung took a long time to see that kwok lun was evil. Maybe from her father.

      I dunno.. Kwok Lun was “nice” towards him from the beginning, whereas Selena has seen the evil side of Tavia before so you can’t really compare them. Did she forget Tavia has plotted against her before with the slapping? Then her mother dying which was obvious someone had set her up? I’d be way more cautious than Selena has been…

      And michelle was so cool, as if she had no intention to save them or something.

      haha, that was such a surprise! She did look very cool (and indifferent). I had my moment of doubt..like “SHE’S STILL EVOL??” xD Fooled me for a moment there.

      You can imagine how infinitely pissed i was at the end of episode 30. People support charmaine, because she’s good, even though so unbelievable. Others support tavia, because, well…

      Yeah I know what you mean. I disliked how perfect they made Charmaine, yet in the end, because of the way they made Tavia so evil, it forces us to change side and root for her instead. I mean good always wins in the end, but the annoyance of her mary-sue character was still there. Oh welllssss.. XD

      • Wonder says:

        Yeah, I agree. Too perfect. It’s really unbelievable. They should have given her some flaws to make her more human. I always like flawed protagonists, such as a small dose of anger. I don’t see any anger in Charmaine, which just can’t be. Too innocent maybe. Tavia was a lot more interesting, but her evilness got us annoyed with her character…but i really admire her acting skills.

      • *xueling* says:

        I had more than a moment of “SHE’S STILL EVIL?!” If she was then she was wayy smart! didn’t even need to get her hands dirty (and the audience would hate her, yet again)

        Okay, true. Kwok lun was nice to him at the start, so he wasn’t naive per se. But selena really let her guard down, but i suppose apologising was a method to try and get out of the situation (which failed)

        I disliked how they made tavia so evil too, like she had no good side/no soft side. And i don’t think she had a strong motivation (did she?) So she’s doing things without a reason, which is rather weak for a storyline.

    • Wonder says:

      I think Selena wasn’t actually really naive. I had the feeling that she was actually trying to wriggle out the situation, but was in so much shock and fear that she was desperately struggling. I have to admit that it was a bit naive “I’m going to report to Mary”. But when people are in desperate shock and struggle they do tend to get a bit naive and say things that they’re not meant to say. I feel really sorry for Selena. Her character was very interesting..she seemed a bit bitchy when she was first introduced, but then as I saw more of her and started to understand her more..it was only an effect of being spoilt as she grew up. At least she didn’t have an evil core inside her heart, unlike Tavia, who always had that evilness deep inside her. I found her love for her parents really lovely..her make-up was really natural, unlike Tavia’s, who went from beautiful to exaggerative.
      I think Mary really shouldn’t have let Tavia make the decision. I really wanted her to see through Tavia’s heart and know everything.
      I’m so glad Moses made Charmaine his concubine. It was such an amazing scene!! Out of the darkness came a bit of hope..so amazing. It seemed as though all hope was lost in the last few episodes..so many tragedies. And Charmaine has finally got hard and challenged Tavia at the end. And what Michelle did really confused me when I watched it haha.

  • 'Muff says:

    note: I hope this comment won’t be triple posted or anything, but I pressed submit a few times and an error occured ._.

    Oooooh 8D

    Well, once Tavia sets her mind to destroying Selena, nothing can stop her – and she did that typical *reveal all* talk right before she killed her. Because villains like their victims to know of all their deeds and their efforts right before killing them. So it’s bye-bye Selena. =\

    (I actually had her death spoilt for me when I was watching the episodes in the 20s, >> but I guess I should’ve expected her death after episode 30 anyway.)

    Ah, we saw Kevin’s cliff-jumping foreshadowing right at the beginning, at episode 1!

    Haha, grand entrance from Moses 😀 And lol, “I know what I’ve done” XDDDDDD See, Charmaine and Kevin’s get-away did have a point; get her pregnant and then Moses comes to the rescue. ’cause you can’t harm the royal blood! And then Charmaine becomes a concubine and extra-prettified with her hair and clothing XD

    When the cat(Moses)is away, the rat (Tavia) comes out to play. And she decides to flaunt her dominance and display some power and control the Proceeding matters. And she hears Susanna confess to Vin… D: And so decides she’ll kill off Susanna!

    Poor Susanna 🙁 And poor Vin, so lost and confused. I loved the part where Charmaine challengingly walked in and made a grand entrance. Display of authority~! Wheeeeeeee~

    I thought that part was really resonant of the scene where Mary stepped into the room when Susan was trying to assert her authority.

    Except Tavia’s not fair like Susan, and she and Charmaine had this verbal challenge &&& it probably would’ve continued and she would’ve dominated her if not for –

    Michelle to the rescue by suggesting an alternate method which Tavia very much agrees with.

    Lol Susanna was like – “Oh crap!” – but Michelle appeared to know what she was doing …

    Two more episodes to go x)

    • chibi says:

      note: I hope this comment won’t be triple posted or anything, but I pressed submit a few times and an error occured ._.

      ehehe..don’t worry, the other ones you posted was marked as “spam” XD

      Because villains like their victims to know of all their deeds and their efforts right before killing them. So it’s bye-bye Selena. =\

      YES! It makes her revenge much more satisfying if their targets knew all the efforts and ‘behind the scenes’ evilness she did.. otherwise she wouldn’t see their angry, regretful facial expressions. Villains love to see the pain XD

      (I actually had her death spoilt for me when I was watching the episodes in the 20s, >> but I guess I should’ve expected her death after episode 30 anyway.)

      I never got this spoiled for me, and so wasn’t 100% sure Selena was gonna die.. I’m surprised it was shown in the opening sequence credits ^^;

      See, Charmaine and Kevin’s get-away did have a point; get her pregnant and then Moses comes to the rescue.

      lol, but she could have gotten pregnant in the Palace too! If she secretly got married, I can’t see why they couldn’t sleep together too (though much more risky I must say). When they left the Palace, they had no intention on going back, which is why they did the deed- but soon after they decide to return..so what’s the difference between intentionally making love (in the Palace)- and doing it outside then coming back?

      And she hears Susanna confess to Vin… D: And so decides she’ll kill off Susanna!

      How timely..lol

      Michelle to the rescue by suggesting an alternate method which Tavia very much agrees with.

      Yes. No matter how much authority Charmaine had, even if she continued to argue against Tavia, she wouldn’t have succeeded because the truth is, she and Susanna both “know” Vin is her son.. except for Michelle XD

      • *xueling* says:

        Yeah, if they could secretly get married, why can’t they sleep together (they could get moses to stand guard! hah). There’s no difference doing that and coming back, in essence the same.
        Bottomline is: it was fan service. period.

  • Fiona says:

    *sob*sob* Selena died! I loved her character. it was so likeable and she was so adorable 🙁
    hey this episode was pretty awesome(other than the fact that Selena died :() THE ENDING WAS AWESOME! really. who knew that Vin and Susanna actually wasn’t related at all? that was pretty cool. i felt the suspense when i was watching the part where yoyo was mixing the blood together, and then the two drops just separated! I was like OHHHHHHH yea. I really liked this episodes, as you can see XD

  • Kayy LOVES RI says:

    didnt expect that ending. poor susanna she was treating thinking of Vin like he was own little son then all of sudden he isnt i actually thought that tavia was goingl to find another way to frame them both.

    When the random from the random country came into the show i actually thought that was the time that Charmaine was going to be concubine especially the bit when selena mentioned the plan to stop her from going to married with the prince.

    Feel very sorry for mary it wasnt entirely her fault that her grand child died. majority was Tavia’s fault (agains) for setting her up. Selena’s death was so sad =(

    • chibi says:

      When the random from the random country came into the show i actually thought that was the time that Charmaine was going to be concubine especially the bit when selena mentioned the plan to stop her from going to married with the prince.

      Same!! But noooo..they had to wait till the 3rd last episode before that happening.. They made it seem like Charmaine REALLY DIDN’T want to marry Moses.. lol..how cruel >.> Is he even bad at all? I was tired of seeing Charmaine x Kevin’s “love”.. eek.

      Feel very sorry for mary it wasnt entirely her fault that her grand child died. majority was Tavia’s fault (agains) for setting her up. Selena’s death was so sad =(

      Yeah..Tavia did a lot of manipulating 🙁

  • Intricate strawberrys says:

    Its not just in this series but in other series too, that I feel that when Charmaine is meant to do a really heart-breaking, tearful scene, yeah she brings on the tears like hell but her eyes looks like she justs want to laugh! It’s like she crying of laughter. Is it only me that think this?

    • chibi says:

      lol, after you said this, I re-watched the scene where she finds out Kevin “died”…and you’re right! LOL. It does look like she’s gonna laugh.

      • Intricate strawberrys says:

        The bits where i’m supposed to feel an emotional wrek, i feel like laughing when shes crying xD

  • Cara says:

    I liked this episode! 😀 Despite not being a fan of either Tavia’s character or Charmaine’s, I loved their verbal sparring towards the end of the episode when Susanna was in trouble.

    And of course, when Michelle suggested the bloodtest, I knew she had some sort of plan to save Susanna. Especially when Susanna starts to talk out of panic and Michelle makes her keep quiet. If only the show didn’t make the Michelle/Susanna rivalry such a pointless plot device. They should have kept them as friends since they found out that Hor Wai was the one who caused the misunderstanding. It would have been so much more believable and less ridiculous. They have wonderful chemistry as friends.

    I feel so bad for Mary, having to shoulder the burden of guilt. 🙁

    Random note: Why do they always need to have villains wear red lipstick? XD

    • chibi says:

      They should have kept them as friends since they found out that Hor Wai was the one who caused the misunderstanding.

      True, but then there will be a large gap in the plot if their problem resolved just like that XD The good guys would totally outnumber the bad ^^;

  • Random says:

    Sigh~ I wonder how it went for Selenas dad, I mean he lost his wife, then legs, then daughter and grandchild 🙁 I wonder why they didnt show a scene of them telling him his daughter has passed away 🙁 😛

  • silentmemories says:

    I feel really sad that Selena had to die . I really liked her after she turned into a sweet and nice person. >< Man, why must all the good characters die!

    • chibi says:

      A lot of the good characters were alive- Moses, Charmaine, Susanna, K.K, Michelle, Kevin…

      Heck, pretty much all of them, except for Selena.

      • silentmemories says:

        I mean for other shows too, haha. Like Kate in Man In Charge, Laughing Gor in E.U. etc. I know it’s kinda to spice up the story more but i find it very sad everytime a good character die :/

  • silentmemories says:

    Actually I think she didn’t really changed overnight , she was not evil in the first place. Just spoilt. But other than that she was really a kind hearted person like charmaine. Thus, after she realised that being spoilt will bring her nowhere, she showed the good side of her without the “princess” airs.

  • Marcus says:

    Oh she killed Selena to get Charmaine into trouble? omg on a other side of the story I found tavia pretty lol anyway I also felt sorry for selena her dad her mum and then HER wow the whole family goes down ?! and also I liked how charmaine tried to stop tavia on punishing susanna

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