September 2008

TVBuddy Keychain arrival!

Today my Olympic TVBuddy Keychain arrived through the mail ^_^ It was a welcome gift from Batgwa.com Forum for being promoted as a ‘Big nose‘ lol It’s quite cute actually haha, another TVB item to add to my collection!

Thank you Batgwa Community =D

3 Responses to “TVBuddy Keychain arrival!”

  • Summer says:

    Wow.. so glad ..they send u the key chain.. haha.. i also wish to get 1 leh..haha..

  • kawaii s2 says:

    is it over? everyone gets one? or havin a big nose get one? =P LOL ~

  • KTVB says:

    There were various competitions on the forum and the keychains were some of the prizes. I didn’t win any of those ones, but I was given it as a gift since I’m a “Big Nose” (ie moderator) at the forum lol

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