The series continues to be enjoyable 10 episodes in. Chilam and Myolie’s storyline continues to develop and not disappoint. In order to get close to her, Chilam decides to move in as one of her housemates. Seeing Myolie’s dislike for him, her loyal team member “Teddy” (and I believe is also her secret crush) played […]
Finally started on Grand Production “Triumph in the Skies II” 😀 I haven’t seen the prequel before, but Chilam’s casting in this series was enough to get me excited to watch the series! I’ve just seen the first 5 episodes so here are some of my impressions on the characters so far: Francis Ng as […]
English Title: Triumph in the Skies II [2013 Grand Production] Cantonese Title: è¡ä¸Šé›²éœ„II (chong seung wan siu II) Cast: Francis Ng å³éŽ®å®‡, Julian Chilam Cheung 張智霖, Myolie Wu 胡æå…’, Fala Chen 陳法拉, Ron Ng å³å“ç¾², Kenneth Ma 馬國明 , Nancy Wu 胡定欣, Elena Kong 江美儀 Episodes: 43 Airing date: 15 July 2013 (replacing ‘A Change of Heart‘) […]
English Title: Karma Rider Cantonese Title: 師父‧明白了 (si foo ming baak liu) Cast: Raymond Wong 黃浩然 , Priscilla Wong é»ƒç¿ å¦‚ , Evergreen Mak 麥長é’, Yoyo Chen 陳自瑤, Law Lan ç¾…è˜ , Kaki Leung æ¢å˜‰çª, Cilla Kung 樂瞳, Mat Yeung 楊明 Episodes: 20 Airing date: 15 July 2013 (replacing ‘Awfully Lawful‘) Themesong: Understood (明白了) by Hubert […]
*Contains Ending spoilers* I finished watching this very enjoyable series!! 😀 The ending- while was not unpredictable, was actually quite satisfying to watch 🙂 They tied loose ends and had its good dosage of action and suspense. The scene when Joey reappeared freaked me out!! It was quite creepy when Niki saw “herself” in the […]
Due to popular requests, I have decided to post up the chinese lyrics and pinyin to sub themesong of A Change of Heart: 最後ç¥ç¦ (Final Blessing) sung by Bosco Wong 🙂 I love the chorus of this song- it’s so catchy, especially when it is played at the end of each episode! I actually don’t […]