March 2009

[E.U] Favourite Character Poll

My two favourite characters in EU are Kathy Chow and Michael Tse’s Laughing. And sadly they were both killed in the story =( Will Laughing make it to top for Favourite character in EU on K for TVB? XD Cast your vote! [poll id=”42″]


March 2009

[EU] Final Ending Shot

*Warning:  Contains Spoilers! * [poll id=”44″] In a dark room with a little glimpse of light, a man is putting on his police-outfit. He puts a five-dollar coin into his pocket. No matter whether Laughing is dead or alive, Laughing will always exist. One day a police, a life as a police. Wearing the outfit, […]


March 2009

[E.U] Ron & Elanne (2)

Some more of their sweet moments![Episode 15 and 16] Ron returns home late that  night to find a whole feast prepared. When he recognises the dishes prepared, he went on Elanne’s Princess Blog and found a new blog entry and some photos. Today is a really special day, because I made dinner for the guy […]


March 2009

[New Series] Man In Charge

Title: Man in Charge 幕后大老爷 Cast:  Kenneth Ma 马国明, Kate Tsui 徐子珊, Matthew Ko 高钧贤, Leila Tong唐 寧, Lau Ka Fai (刘家辉) Wong Chi Yin (黄智贤) Cheung Chi Kwong (è’‹å¿—å…‰) Lau Kong (刘 江) Episodes: 20 Release date: 6th April 2009 Filmed: April 2007 Producer: Lee Tim Shing Scriptwriter: Sit Ka Wah Genre: Ancient/Political Conflict […]


March 2009

[E.U] Episode 22

The Best Episode of E.U ever.. *Contains Major Spoilers* I didn’t want to make this post now, since I planned to post up some bits from pre- episode 22  first… but after watching this episode today, I just couldn’t help but want to scream this out somewhere- (and since this is my TVB blog…it is […]


March 2009

[E.U] Undercover identity

For the things that have happened so far up to episode 19, there’s been a subconscious thought in my mind – is Ron really doing a good job as an undercover cop? Do you think he’s convincing? Just a thought. It has been over a year where Ron slowly worked his way up. How was […]


March 2009

[E.U] Ron & Elanne

I must say, at first I didn’t feel much for this couple. Ron and Elanne started out on  bad terms and they disliked each other. I didn’t like Elanne’s attitude towards him so I could understand where he was coming from. When Ron found out Elanne was selling fake-cds, he ended up handing them  over […]


March 2009

[E.U] Themesong Clips & Lyrics

While browsing on youtube this morning, I’ve watched some E.U clips from some promotional function they had in HK. It was kinda neat 🙂 Wish I could have been there haha Michael Tse, Ron Ng, Sammul Chan singing EU Themesong Live: Variation Black and White 黑白變奏 作曲︰周永恆 填詞︰鄭櫻綸 日夜之間的接口 段落之間的變奏 落入忠奸的缺口 灰黑之間你遊走 愈用心分析對手 愈是交心的戰鬥 愈是分不清對手 * 情與義 那像似黑白事情 遊戲吧 你共我追逐未停 忘記吧 抹掉昨天熱誠 對或錯 你或我 決定勝 […]