Warning: Ending Spoiler!! [All my posts contain spoilers, but this is the ending, so an extra warning message ^__^]

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The 82 episode Grand production has finally reached its end =] I am pleasantly surprised and relieved at how happy the ending is. Some part of me feels that its too good to be true (i.e suddenly everyone realizing what they have been doing was wrong and that fighting was meaningless). Everyone was able to let go of that selfishness, stubbornness, distrust, manipulative, scheming, vengeful heart and let go of anger and hatred. Yet another part of me can feel how it is possible. In episode 81, Lee See Kei’s video-recording scene was so touching! I cried seeing how hard she tried to ‘remind herself’ and her daughters that they were one family *sniff*. I know the things she said were simple, but it was very touching! i felt the healing effect from it and I felt that I was also  finally able to release myself, like the characters in the story, from all that has happened. I feel a burden off my back and so believe it is possible. All the characters went through so much in the story that I’m glad they’re settling down at last…

There were quite a few touching scenes, dialogues and snippets in the last episode I really liked, so decided to share here 🙂

[Bowie talking to Bosco]

It doesn’t matter if you believe me or not, in my heart, there is someone whom is more worthy of taking revenge on than you. She made me lose a relationship, and a baby. So at the end, I wanted her to give her life to me, to feel guilty for the rest of her life. But as a result, I didn’t know when I could stop, when I could finally sleep in peace- because I realised that if you go hating the person you love the most, it is impossible for the day to come in which you could stop hating her. You can’t forgive her, yet there is not way you could ever get rid of her. At the end, you don’t get anywhere and you’ll turn into a person that you would hate. That’s the result of Gou Cheung Seng (Bowie). So like I said, everything has nothing to do with you.”

Bowie talks about his love-turned-hate relationship with Sylvia (Maggie)  and I think this equally applied to Bosco’s relationship with Linda. It was this confession that made Bosco realise it was time to stop the way he treated Linda as well, and to go find her. I guess Bosco would eventually end up with Linda.

Before watching this series, I thought Linda and Bosco would be paired up together, but as the story progressed and Bosco was focusing more on “Melissa” (and his career) and Linda and Wong Hei started developing a friendship, I thought Linda had only truly  fallen for Wong Hei. Only up until near the end was it clarified that Linda realised Bosco was the one she actually liked.  I’m not so convinced actually lol or maybe I haven’t been watching her close enough! I really liked Wong Hei and Linda’s relationship in Gem, it’s too bad he only has Jessica (Ada) in his heart.

[Bowie to Maggie]

For all these years, I have always been biting at Ho Git Larm(Moses) that my mouth is becoming tasteless, I really hate it. I don’t want anything to do with him anymore, so I want to stop earlier- but it’s not  like what you said about ‘stopping because I can’t turn back’. I hope that after stopping down- having a chance to turn back, it will leave me more time

I was really moved by the last part. Bowie wants to start life again after he returns out of jail, and wants the most time possible to live ‘fresh’ . That is the reason he is giving in to the police. He believes there is a ‘turning back’, unlike what Maggie initially implied ‘There was no turning back,but giving in only to stop oneself from continuing on the wrong path’. After this, Maggie finally realised that the good Calvin was back and the two finally got back together with a hug 🙂

[Wong Hei’s Confession when Ada realised Wong Hei was turning blind because of her]

I’ve been silly for all these years already anyway. There is really more I can do for you than just this. Listen to me, when diamonds are scratched, they can be polished again and it would look the same again. But being scratched once more,  polished once more, and scratched again and polished again, the quality would decrease. You can never make up the losses from it. The diamond could never turn back into how it initially was. But my memory is good- no matter which stage the diamond is at, I’ll still remember its appearance. I remember the first Hong Ah Si (Ada), her look when I first saw her. I especially remember how she looked when she first lied to me. I remembered how she looked the first time she begged me for help. I remember the look  just now when she said ‘she will put down everything in the past and start all over’ even more. Did you know that was the same look as the first Hong Ah Si I knew? Even if I won’t be able to see again in the future, I will still remember… I really want to see your appearance again. I really want to see you

Aww, I really felt sorry for Wong Hei’s one-sided love =( He loved Jessica(Ada) from the day he met her until the end of the series (and most probably beyond as well). Even though she has married twice, his heart is only towards her. No matter how she used him, treated him, lied to him, causing him blind, he is still there by her side. It’s comforting to know that he was able to ‘see’ the  ‘old’ Hong Ah Si back 🙂

[Bowie visiting Kenny in hospital]

Bowie helps Kenny shave and starts telling him stories, reflecting on the past. He tells him that he hopes he can become the good person he has always hoped he would be. Tears rolled out of Kenny’s eyes…

[Bowie and Maggie having dinner]

Sylvia: What do you want me to do?
Calvin: Wait for me, wait for me to come back out, because I feel that there’s still a lot, a lot of things I still owe you. I don’t know when I could return them to you, so you have to wait for me to come out, ok?
Sylvia: Don’t worry, you’ll need to return the principle amount plus interest. I want you to return me for your whole life time.

Awwwwwww… <3 Calvin and Sylvia’s relationship is still my favourite, and has been through the whole series. Their love is so touching, filled with love and hate and I’m happiest for this couple the most <3 I’m  so happy they could finally be with each other. YAY! <3

[Moses and Gigi]

The two hugged each other in joy after they were able to retrieve her ring which fell down the gutters. Their love plays on ‘fate’ a lot throughout the series (e.g”Serendipity”). Here Moses was able to find the ring that symbolised Gigi’s happiness, just like Eddie (“Derek”) did in the past. Together, the two were able to get back their love for each other. There’s a hint that these two would most possibly end up with each other in the end.

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And finally, onto Lee See Kei…

she survives in the end! and she got back her three daughters that mean everything to her 🙂

I really thought she was going to die, especially having all those memories of the past flooding back into her mind but she doesn’t. Once again, we have one happy family!


21 Responses to “[The Gem of Life] Episode 82- Final Thoughts”

  • JKRockinout says:


  • chibi says:

    lol, guess its good that everyone has a happy ending..you’d hope so after 80 episodes. XD

  • rachel says:

    i have a lot of catching up to do! i’m still only on episode 50 something, but i was too excited so i had to watch the spoilers! lol i thought tvb was going to cut some episodes out, so now, it’s still 82 episodes? the ending looks really exciting! i can’t wait to watch it, maybe i’ll just skip the middle sections and watch the ending instead. the middle part is taking me to long, there’s way too much drama for my liking. glad to see that you’re still posting some screencaptures now! i miss reading your thoughts on the episodes! 😀

  • lizzy says:

    Actually, this series is one of the worst grand productions.. The ending is most disappointing and it looks like big parts of it had been cut.

  • iciel says:

    Although this was a good series, I was hooked on it just because of Jessica’s story line. Sylvia’s love story was good too, but it’s a bit draggy. And Constance is just annoying. Her kindness is just too fake, and her love story with both Derek and Terrence was boring. I didn’t like how Terrence didn’t have to go to jail, since he left Derek there to die, shouldn’t he be responsible? The whole ending seems too rush with everyone just realizing they’re wrong… Oh well, it was good, but the ending is just too typically TVB

  • Blossom says:

    I actually expected more in the ending. A lot more. But turns out everyone ended up happy (: Except for Sunny and Ah Wor.
    Overall, the series was okay.. not the best, but I thought it could have been better if there was no rush while filming and the if the scriptwriters made more effort on the script.

  • Summer says:

    i abit dissapointed to the ending..too fast…
    alot of thing did not gave proper explanation…
    any way, at last ” it ended ” lo..to long..cause me feel
    sien..actually half way, feel wanna stop.. but, due to Bosco and Moses is in, so i carried on..hehe..
    any way, over all quite ok.. and need to prise her again..
    Aida Choi, she is great.. wish so, she get Best Actress awards from tis series… she really Great

  • -w says:

    the ending was horrible.
    its just like they cut 5 eps from it or something
    hahaha i liked the bit where bowies like you rkn your fat? to maggie and shes like well women dont like hearing that sorta stuff. bowie goes sorry then. two mins later maggies like bowie you have no hair. bowie goes well men dont like hearing that they dont have hair. and maggies like sorry then 😀

  • tvbfan~~~ says:

    i loved the ending!!! and i thought lee see kei was going to die…argh i cried everytime she tried to remember her family, and especially during watching the video she recorded..overall the show was good, tho it was a little draggy…i love ada’s performance most, second goes to lee see kei for being so good in being sick..linda for most improved..the rest of the cast did really well too!!! anyway i think we shouldn’t give too much negative comments on the show because the cast/crew worked really hard on the show! the deserve lots more compliment and credits!

  • KTVB says:

    To rachel: haha its up to you if you wanna skip I guess 🙂 The thing about this series is that you might get confused with whats happening if you skip the little details (tho I wouldn’t say its exactly that worth watching lol)

    To lizzy: Lots of cut scenes? You mean a rushed ending? I don’t know what was initally filmed but I did hear of a bath tub blood scene with Ada that wasnt used.

    To iciel: I agree with you about the characters. Constance was to into the whole “ideal” thing.

    To Blossom : Yeah its kinda sad that the two good guys didn’t end up having a good ending. The ones they loved seem to return some sort of response though…a friendship perhaps?

    To -w: lol, yup that was cute haha. I really like Bowie/Maggie relationship and the way they quarrel like that

    To tvbfan~~~ : hehe, staying optimistic eh? 🙂

  • Luv TC says:

    I m rooting for TC. The ending of TC, did u guys notice tt T only returned C’s chain and earring? Do observe carefully. He held onto the blissful ring in his hand, suggesting tt he personally put the ring into C’s finger – the way Ah Fat wanted it to be! I bet not many veiwers realized that scene. The way T said ‘Yes’ aft got-hold of the ring was heartening – I shared his joy at being given a 2nd chance retrieving the blissful coz it meant alot 2 C. No wonder Moses said he’s happy with the ending of gem! Thanks 4 sharing your thoughts on Gem.

  • wawa says:

    @ iciel:
    It’s not a crime to ‘jian si bu jiu’. It may be morally wrong to do so, but I don’t think Terrence deserves to be thrown into jail for it. His conscience is eating at him, and probably will be for the rest of his life.

  • Florence says:

    Oh, Thanks for posting the alst episode. I depended on you so that i wouldnt have to watch all 82 eps. I gave up on 23..lol..hehe

  • rebecca yau says:

    i loved the realtionship bewtween calvin(bowie) and sylvia(maggie) too…….they were so cute….LOL
    i loved the series

  • I’m so happy for Calvin and Sylvia, It’s not a perfect-happy-ending but sort of like a satisfying one for me. Even though Calvin ends up in jail, at least they both know that they only have each other in their hearts 🙂 They are basically the main reason why I finished GOL!

  • Claudia Li says:

    love this serise so good!
    Ada and Meggie was the best i thought!

  • Y.Y陈 says:

    o my tian! love ada in the series! she acted sooo well! i heard that the ending was changed… that ada was supposed to commit suicide in the bath tub and lee si kei die of illness… also heard that they changed it because of the poor ratings and that it would boost the ratings cos hongkongers prefer happy endings… but i think otherwise… to me, an ending must be meaningful, happy or sad doesn’t mean anything. in my opinion, i think the initial ending is better because it tells us that there’s such thing as retribution. in conclusion, i stil think this is one of the very good shows i’ve watched and hope ada will be in the top 5 for the best actress award this year.

    • KTVB says:

      I heard about the original ending too…sounds very creepy and sad..the ending of Gem felt a bit too happy to be true lol but I like o see a Happy ending out of all this mess. Would be interesting if they released the original too i think.

  • Jonathan says:

    Compilation of all the 82 episodes can be found here


  • yuki says:

    this show was horrible. too many episodes. story was boring

  • Seizhin says:

    Kinda liked it a lot.

    There’s been too few business oriented dramas; backstabbing, profits, etc. etc.

    This drama shows how fearful business can be, everyone goes for profit, and how one easily crumble when it comes to business….

    Do everything right, is the best way to go.

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