One month ago, K for TVB had a change in layout and it was well liked by its regular visitors 😀 But as we all know, a TVB related banner was delayed due to lack of inspiration and the default banner was left! Finally, the colours from the trailer “The Four” inspired this new banner!
I hope you all like it!! =DÂ This is one of my favourite layouts ^^ Love the colours!
Awesome new layout!!! Looks awesome. But on the left photo, I’ve always wondered why it was Kenneth in the middle =S
ooo nice new layout there! i thought that the series won’t be very good, but instead, it was quit eenjoyable 😛
O___o I love this banner too! The colours look so mysterious. All I see is Sammul missing? Oh, I think he’s the one that’s facing the other way. xD
awesome banner! raymond lam ftw! :heart:
Raymond looks so charming!~!
Nice new tone, I think your new banner really fits the background colour! Good Job!!
ahh…i love it…haha especially Kenneth’s TS standing in the middle after the script has been thrown! haha…
Aww, too bad we can’t see Sammul’s face. But overall it’s such a nice banner! The color and BG totally match the layout ^^
& omg! Raymond~~!!!
Omgosh, K! I love your banner. Dark and cool. How are you liking TF?
i love the colors too! it’s so mysterious as Sugar said. nice banner!!! 😀 and i love how you put raymond’s picture the biggest! lol
oh yea, the new banner looks great! the colors works great with the overall layout theme. Great job!!!! =D
Ooo~ very, very nice. The banner looks amazing!
Hehe, Raymond’s face get to be out there in the open :D!!
love the banner, kerry. love it. it’s so pretty. the colors match so well.
hey, your banner’s colors reallly suit your blog great job!!!
Nice layout…ktvb…I like it very much
the banner’s very very cool! suits the whole layout! well done =)
i love raymond!!♥
Love the new banner and colours. My favourite so far. 🙂