A pretty interesting episode! The story starts with Anita’s wedding with her husband ‘Dick’, saying she’s the happiest women in the world, but the scene quickly changes to her husband’s funeral. Anita’s husband has been found dead in a car with another women (Angela Tong) and cops have come to believe the two were having […]
Here are some of the opening screencaptures made from the themevideo. There’s nothing really impressive about it but it does have a nice themesong, sung by Kary Ng.
It has been a long time..I have finished this series in early April which is almost 3 months ago..finally I have the time to do a final overview ^^I figured I should hurry and finish this post now or it won’t be published indefinitely (and perhaps appropriate while the banner is still on The Master […]
Hi everyone! How are you all? It has been awhile! I’m glad to be back =) My computer crashing has caused a lot of inconvenience for me, and at the end, I was still not able to recover the screencaps I’ve previously made (and yet to use)…so I guess I’ll have to remake new ones […]