And the battle begins!! It was an intense episode; it also seemed like Raymond had the upper hand because he understood Frankie too well. The whole way I was rooting for the White Side (like the white side heaps more after John Chiang’s character has left lol, I like the competitiors too). The way Raymond […]
This episode was soo goood xD !! Heaps happened and it was moving at a fast pace. The truth finally comes out with John Chiang being the traitor *yay*. All secrets are out (can’t think of any that hasn’t come out yet) Frankie’s innocence is finally proven =) Gotta say, when Frankie was discussing with […]
Not sure whether my eyes were playing tricks, but I thought I saw Raymond’s picture change from the beginning of the theme video- gotta see the repeat to clarify lol When Raymond started talking to the unconscious Selena, I suddenly felt his old-self back again, just seems to show his caring side for Selena..but Raymond […]
awww….feel so bad for Selena’s character T__T and Raymond!! Those teary eyes when he saw Selena..totured her to…ay…how cruel are those people!!! >< So evil..and they call themselves "the good/white" people... *shakes head in disgrace* happens all the time...sometimes, the so-called "good" are more evil than the "bad" .. Raymond eventually joins the evil side […]
I took about 2 hours to make the screenshots and put them up XD Feel free to browse. If you’d like to use a few (e.g for forums) please give us credit and link us. Drop by a message if you do so. Please do not take the lot ~ And no direct linking please~ […]
Since its the weekends, I thought I’d just post up a youtube link to a Fanmade MV of Derek and Nancy in FaceToFate: I think this one’s pretty good =D The sequences in the clips aren’t in the same order as storyline. And yes, they contain spoilers (I watched up to episode 25 and […]
This episode went too quickly! Actually I’m starting to find the episodes getting shorter and shorter >_< nnooOOooo.... xD okies, enough of that lol The excitement continues in this episode when more accusation by John's character is made, and the White side all think the traitor is Frankie and Raymond. And yeh, that women doesn't […]
Imagine the characters in the series looked liked this, instead of the would look ..just wrong >< {with a few exceptions I suppose..that look quiet similiar in either } Derek Kwok as the assassin –> [LWOLAP] Hm..Derek looks a lot older in LWOLAP ~ must be the beard ^^; Frankie as the Fortune Teller […]