February 2013

[New Series]: Season Of Love

English Title: Season Of Love

Cantonese Title: 戀愛季節 (luen oi gwai jit)

Cast: 馬國明 Kenneth Ma, 胡杏兒 Myolie Wu, 徐子珊 Kate Tsui , 吳卓羲Ron Ng, 胡定欣Nancy Wu, 羅仲謙 Him Law, 梁烈唯 Oscar Leung, 梁靖琪 Toby Leung, 王浩信 Vincent Wong

Episodes: 20 (5 episodes per season)

Airing date: 11 February 2013 (Replacing ‘Inbound Troubles’)

Themesong: Little Something- Mag Lam (CD)

Official: Website | Purchase DVD @ YesAsia.com (English Subtitles)

Executive Producer: Kwan Wing Chung

Scriptwriter: Wong Kwok Fai

Season of Love



Although individuals in love seldom coincide with each other in terms of happiness, anger, sorrow or joy, they still comply with the laws of nature, reflecting the dynamic phenomena of the four seasons’ climate and temperature.

Spring: By chance, LAM CHUN-FUN (Toby Leung) becomes an assistant/driver for the most sought-after actor SZE SUN (Him Law). Thinking that he is just like those playboys featured in the gossip magazines, she gradually comes to realize his true personality after the two spent some time together. The two fall in love with each other during filming, but CHUN-FUN discovers it is merely pre-arranged by the talent manager. The belated first love is ended before it can even begin.

Summer: HA CHI-YAN (Kate Tsui), the most bankable TV producer, has drawn criticism from the social activists after making a female-oriented programme. Seeking to uphold her reputation, she is assigned as the leading role of a new dating game show. During the show, she re-encounters her long-lost old flame NG TSUN-KAI (Ron Ng) and attempts to wreak vengeance on him. Unexpectedly, their hearts have yearned to be together as her wedding day is around the corner.

Autumn: In spite of working in the same building, Hairstylist HO TSAU-SANG (Nancy Wu) let the opportunity of meeting Barrister FUNG SAU-MAN (Vincent Wong) escape owing to a minor incident. Out of despair, she blindly agrees to marry her co-worker FONG KA-WAI (Oscar Leung), following which are the constant disputes over chores and KA-WAI’s suspected extramarital affair. Alternating to a parallel universe, TSAU-SANG is the one to have the serendipitous encounter with SAU-MAN. Having gone through two entirely different life paths, she ends up feeling merely grief and regret.

Winter: Private detective CHU CHO-AN (Kenneth Ma) is entrusted by his client YIU TUNG-NEI (Myolie Wu) to trace the history of a decade-old receipt, during which, CHO-AN learns about some flashback segments in TUNG-NEI’s memory of being with another male. According to his investigation, TUNG-NEI has suffered a serious injury, and her memory loss might be romance related. While CHO-AN is striving to help TUNG-NEI restore her memory, unexpectedly, he also joyfully re-links his family.

春季: 林春芬(梁靖琪)在機緣巧合下成了當紅明星施辰(羅仲謙)的褓姆司機,春芬一直認為眼前的施辰正如八卦周刊上的花花公子,但二人相處日久,逐漸明白到他的內心世界和真實個性,因一次拍攝的機會令二人墮入愛河,但春芬卻發現一切都只是經理人安排而發生,一場遲來的初戀就在瞬間消逝…

夏季: 金牌電視監製夏志欣(徐子珊)因為拍攝一個女性節目遭社會人士大力抨擊,為挽回聲勢被指派擔任新節目的女主角,以多男追求一女為綽頭的求愛真人秀,因新節目令志欣重遇多年前突然失蹤的舊情人吳雋楷(吳卓羲),志欣想借勢復仇,誰料婚期逼近之際她與雋楷的距離已越拉越近…

秋季: 髮型師何秋生(胡定欣)和大律師馮修文(王浩信)於同一大廈工作,因一次小意外令她錯失了與修文結緣的良機,失落之下盲目接受了同事方家偉(梁烈唯)的求婚。婚後二人因生活瑣事不斷發生爭拗,更懷疑家偉有外遇;當時空一轉秋生回到當初避開小意外後與修文一起的境況,經歷了兩段截然不同的人生後,收場都只剩下沉痛與懊悔…

冬季: 私家偵探朱祖安(馬國明)接到客人姚冬妮(胡杏兒)的委託,要追查一張十多年前的收條來歷,在調查期間,祖安得知冬妮腦海不時會浮現一些她與另一名男生一起時的零碎片段,經輾轉調查後發現冬妮曾受過嚴重創傷,她遺失的記憶極可能是「一段戀愛」,祖安努力協助冬妮重組過去,亦因而為自己尋回一段喜出望外的親情…

Credit: TVB.com

13 Responses to “[New Series]: Season Of Love”

  • JacJac says:

    Good casts but not really ready for this drama since I’m busy with Friendly Fire and Inbound Troubles. Might watch this later.

  • Madeline says:

    I’m starting to love this drama after watching the romance between Him Law and Toby Leung! They’re so adorable together and now I can’t wait to see how Ron and Kate’s relationship develop 😀

  • miriamfanz says:

    I like this drama so far. Kenneth is so mysterious! Caught a glimpse of Myolie’s picture in ep. 5. I’m waiting for that story.

    For people interested, you can listen to the theme song of each season here (will continue adding):

  • KTVB says:

    I haven’t started on the series because the concept sounds a bit hmm…cliche-ish. It has a good cast though. I’m considering watching this since “Reality Check”, “The Days of Days” and “Inbound Troubles” isn’t catching much of my attention either.

    Almost forgot Toby and Him were paired up together in “Wax and Wane”!

    • Piggy says:

      May I know where can I watch this drama,seasons of love? I have searched but unfortunately no result. 

  • Ri says:

    The storylines for each season are pretty good.. in theory. Somehow or rather, they just don’t come off as great on screen! Not sure if it’s the actors or the writers’ inability to properly expand and really flesh out good concepts. The stories bore me to tears after the first episode of each and I only tune in every 5 days to see if the next is any better :/

    I also heard that the series following this will be Sergeant Tabloid but didn’t they already show that? Or am I confusing that with another Niki Chow/Michael Tse vehicle?

    • KTVB says:

      hhaha..glad I’m not the only one..

      Sergeant Tabloid was a warehoused series, so they didn’t release it in HK back then…Looks like I’ll have to wait a little (understatement) longer for another TVB series

      • Ri says:

        But then won’t it be a double release everywhere other than HK? I don’t recall Sergeant Tabloid being that great the first time,Michael Tse was still riding on his Laughing Kor wave. Luckily there’s A Great Way To Care 2 also which I’m really really hoping will be good! Fingers crossed – TVB has had sucha string of weak shows so far in 2013!

        • KTVB says:

          Totally agree with you there about the string of weak shows =.=

          Yea they must be showing something else. In Australia, TVB Satalite is showing “IP Man” I believe. This happened previously as well when a warehoused series was airring in HK, they showed a Taiwanese series (dubbed in Canto) instead

  • KTVB says:

    I started on this series yesterday (half way through episode 4) and it is seriously boring me to tears T_T *sigh* I might just give up on it and not waste my time. I was hoping the story would pick up but it hasn’t… Toby’s sister also has waaaay too much screentime and I find her so annoying!! Argh this series is horrible >.>

  • Titan VÆ°u says:

    i like themesong. i also like song which Nancy karaoke. But i don’t know title. Can you help me search it. Thanks you so much

  • Piggy says:

    May I know where can I watch this drama , seasons of love?
    Thanks 🙂

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